Today’s our due date! The baby’s at least 7 ½ pounds, but probably more like 8 or 8 ½ at this point (at least that’s what I think). We’re just in a state of waiting… when is he/she going to show up? Nobody knows except Jesus. We’re getting very excited and can’t wait to meet our baby.
My midwife appointment today was great. The baby is looking good, the head is engaged and it had a nice heartbeat. I’m only a little bit more dilated than I was last week though. It looks like I’ll have to do more walking to get things moving. I’m working until Friday, then starting Maternity Leave, which I’m very much looking forward to. So hopefully it will be born this weekend or early next week. I’ve had periodic times of my contractions being closer together (like 10 minutes apart), but then they go away. I think it’s just my body getting ready for the real thing. Hopefully it’s not too far off!
Andy and I went out to a nice last breakfast without a baby on Saturday. That was fun to do together. Next time it will be with a little baby.
Changes this week: Not too much since last week. Insomnia is not my friend. And I’ve had to pee more often. I guess the baby has dropped a bit and I’ve had a little more pelvic pressure.
Just for kicks, here's a picture of me from behind. Everyone at work says I barely look pregnant from the back, and I guess it's true! Just a little bit of love handles. Hah!