Wednesday, January 25, 2012

40 Weeks


Today’s our due date! The baby’s at least 7 ½ pounds, but probably more like 8 or 8 ½ at this point (at least that’s what I think). We’re just in a state of waiting… when is he/she going to show up? Nobody knows except Jesus. We’re getting very excited and can’t wait to meet our baby.

My midwife appointment today was great. The baby is looking good, the head is engaged and it had a nice heartbeat. I’m only a little bit more dilated than I was last week though. It looks like I’ll have to do more walking to get things moving. I’m working until Friday, then starting Maternity Leave, which I’m very much looking forward to. So hopefully it will be born this weekend or early next week. I’ve had periodic times of my contractions being closer together (like 10 minutes apart), but then they go away. I think it’s just my body getting ready for the real thing. Hopefully it’s not too far off!

Andy and I went out to a nice last breakfast without a baby on Saturday. That was fun to do together. Next time it will be with a little baby.

Changes this week: Not too much since last week. Insomnia is not my friend. And I’ve had to pee more often. I guess the baby has dropped a bit and I’ve had a little more pelvic pressure.

Just for kicks, here's a picture of me from behind. Everyone at work says I barely look pregnant from the back, and I guess it's true! Just a little bit of love handles. Hah!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

39 Weeks


One week until our baby is due! We’re so excited to finally be in the last little bit. The baby could really come any time in the next 2-3 weeks, so everyone’s on standby waiting to get the phone call from us

At my midwife appointment today Carol checked me, and I’m still only about 1 cm dilated, but my cervix is thinning out. She said I probably won’t go into labor in the next week, but there’s always a chance. I think I will be a few days late, just like my mom was. The baby is getting big in there, and the heart rate was kind of fast because it was moving around a lot. As far as I know, everything’s still looking good.

Last night we went into Salem with some friends and played Bingo. It was very interesting. There were a lot of people there that were hard core and looked like they go all the time. I think it’s probably addictive. It was stressful for us at first because they were calling numbers pretty fast and we had 12 bingo cards to scan for the numbers, but we eventually got the hang of it. It ended up being fun, but I doubt that we’ll ever go again. None of us won anything anyway.

My dreams have always been strange, but I’ve had some funny baby dreams through the pregnancy. At around 20 weeks I dreamt that there was a hole in my uterus that the baby crawled through. Then it was just underneath my skin and crawling around my belly. I also dreamt that I was trying all of our cloth diapers on it. Andy has dreamt that it was a boy, and I have dreamt both genders. I’m thinking it may be a girl, but really, who knows. Either way, we’ll be happy!

Changes this week: My legs have been swelling in the evenings a little bit. Nothing terrible though. I think the baby’s dropped a little more, but probably still has more to go. I’m going to start walking and sitting on my exercise ball more to try to get it to drop. I’ve been super tired and feeling huge the last week or so. I think I’m definitely ready for this baby to be out.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

38 Weeks


The baby’s getting big and we’re pretty much ready for it to come out Now we just have to wait until it’s done being in there. I think it’s about 7 pounds and 18-19 inches long. We can’t wait to meet our little one.

At my midwife appointment on December 30th they took a culture to test for Group B strep, but the lab lost it, or they didn’t come pick it up or something. So we had to re-test on Friday and Carol called me on Sunday night to say that the test was negative. So I’m glad we don’t have to worry about that.

My dad built us this beautiful dresser and brought it up on Monday night! We love it. It’s so nice to have lots of drawer space to put baby things. The rest of our cloth diapers came yesterday, so I’ve been prepping them. I think we have everything ready for our baby to come! I’ve been trying to get loose ends wrapped up at work so they will be fine while I’m gone. It’s kind of hard not knowing when I’ll go into labor for planning purposes. I’m going to work until the 27th unless I go into labor before that. Then maternity leave! I’m very excited.

The comments I get from people are funny. Some people think I look small for being almost due, and other people think I look big (mostly family members). I think I’m just right and that the baby will be average size probably. At my midwife appointment today I measured 34 cm. Last time it was 36 cm. That means the baby has dropped into my pelvis! I'm feeling more pressure down there and my belly feels heavier. Our appointments now consist of checking my urine and my vitals, listening to the heartbeat, and answering any questions. Since I go every week, I don't have too many questions each time. We're all getting excited for this baby to be born!

Changes this week: I never know if I’m going to sleep well or not. Some nights I sleep okay and only get up 2 or 3 times, other nights I’m up 6-7 times and am awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night. It’s frustrating and then I’m tired all day. Well, I’m tired all day anyway I’d like to at least be rested for the labor/birth, because I know I won’t be rested with a newborn.

I took a top down photo of myself yesterday to give you a perspective of what I see when I look down :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

37 Weeks


The baby is officially full term today That means if it was born, it’s lungs would most likely be mature enough to breathe on their own. That’s exciting! It’s getting ready to come out. I’ve been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions.

We had our midwife appointments on Friday and today. On Friday they checked my dilation (because they were doing the Group B Strep test) and I was at 1 ½ cm and soft. I’d say that’s a good start! It really doesn’t predict when labor will start though. It could be this week, or it could be in 4 weeks. We’ll just have to wait and see. Everything else is looking great though! The baby is in the optimal birthing position and has been that way for a few weeks, not really moving out of it too much except for the daily squirming and wiggling it likes to do. Last night Andy put his ear right where the baby’s back is and he heard the heartbeat. It was pretty cool.

We finished out our Staycation on Monday. It was so nice to get lots of things checked off my to do list. We made lots of meals and put them in our freezer for after the birth, we bought the rest of our diapers and other things we still needed (carseat, breast pump, etc.). We’re mostly ready for this baby to come! I still have some things to do, but not nearly as much. I do need to finish the play mat quilt I’m making. All I have left is the binding. I knitted a cute little green hat on Monday night while we watched E.T.

Changes this week: My stomach feels like the skin is about stretched to the max this week. I think I’m starting to get some stretch marks around my belly button Oh well. It’s all for the baby. Other than that I’m doing good. I think the baby has started to drop a little bit, I have to pee more frequently and there’s more pressure on my bladder. Hiccups feel lower as well. It’s in launch position!

Cravings this week: Milk! I can’t get enough of it. On Monday I was craving biscuits, so I made some yummy Biscuits Supreme like my mom always makes from the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. They were delicious.

Only three more weeks until our due date! We’re counting down the days now. I should make a paper chain…

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...