Thursday, July 26, 2012

26 Weeks

Our baby is 6 months old!! She's such a sweetheart, I can't even believe it. She loves to cuddle and chill, and she really loves people. Oh, and she's beautiful. She rolled over from her back to her tummy yesterday and got all 4 of her top teeth in the last week. Now she's up to 7 teeth. Tomorrow we're heading out to Awake summer camp with Andy and our Middle Schoolers, so that should be lots of fun.

I've taken a picture of Ruby every month on the 26th on the floor quilt I made for her. Here they are!
 1 month
 2 months
 3 months
 4 months
 5 months
6 months... she has really grown!
 Cuddle times with Daddy.
Fast asleep. I love her lips. 
Cuddling with Janna. 
I was holding her sitting next to the piano, and suddenly the plant on the piano fell off... Ruby had a piece of the stem in her hand. She did it again later that day. We'll have to watch what we're sitting by! 
 Bath love.

 Some of her top teeth poking through.
Naked time! 
 Sleepy time.
She's ready to spend our money.
 And she ate her first real food today! I pureed an avocado and mixed it with some of my breast milk. She liked it and ate quite a bit!
And here's a video for you!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

25 Weeks

 Our Peach sure is growing up! She's so good at sitting up now. She also makes lots of noises and squeals and loves to spit. :) She still drools a lot, needing a constant bib. Sleeping remains an issue. We've tried putting her in her own room, but she still wakes up every 2 or 3 hours, sometimes more often... We'll get that figured out one of these days. I really don't mind getting up with her. 
 She loves reading stories! We're almost half way through her Bible story book.
 And she loves her feet.
 Our cute diapers hanging on the line.
 We took her to the Marion County Fair this weekend. She really liked all of the animals. Here's her getting up close and personal with a Gypsy horse.
Daddy did a great job carrying her around. 
 We busted out our fire pit. Ruby's ready to learn how to start fires!
 She loved it.
 She loves certain brown squares on her floor quilt that I made and tries to grab them.
 This is how I found her one day while she was supposed to be taking a nap...
 We did a little photo shoot. She sure is pretty.
 I love this one.
 She helped me pick blueberries.
And she still loves her baths!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

24 Weeks

Here's Ruby at 24 weeks. She's very interested in everything! She had another tip of a tooth pop through this week on the bottom. I thought top ones were supposed to come after the two bottom ones... I guess every baby is different! We had lots of adventures this past week and the week before. I'll share the pictures with you. It's been a fun two weeks. Today we had all of our windows replaced in our house, which was interesting. They are very nice, but it was hard because I'd get Ruby to sleep in one room and they would start working on that window, then I'd move and they'd be working in there. She napped in my arms a few times so we could move around. It's so nice to be able to open our windows now and get a breeze going!

 Ruby in the exersaucer at Aunt Cindy's. She loved it and figured out how to make it play music.
 All dressed up for church.
 At the top of the Fenn Trail hike at Kangaroo Lake. It was beautiful.
 With Grandma Debbie at Kangaroo Lake.
 Cutie patootie.
 Her eyes were red which was the first sign of her getting sick :(
 She loves looking at herself in the mirror.
 Leaning on the couch.
 Playing with Grandpa John at a 4th of July barbecue at the Rogue River.
Cousins on the 4th of July! 
 Snuggling with Grandpa.
 Uncle Randy carried her to the top of Goosenest (elevation 8284!).
 Here we are in Goosenest crater.
 Her cheeks are a bit pink from a sunburn :( I promise I put on sunscreen. 
 And then we went camping at Juanita Lake. Thank goodness for our bug shield on her stroller. The mosquitos were nasty.
 With Grandma Debbie watching her cousins swim.
All bundled up. It was cold at night. 
 Ruby's first ride in the shopping cart!
 And finally seeing her Daddy after 16 days apart. She was all smiles and laughs.
 Cuddled up in his arms.
I'm getting hungry! 
She got a carrot to chew on while we ate dinner. There were cute little teeth marks in it, but she can't bite it yet. Just a few more weeks until real food!
This is the most ridiculous picture. Look at those rolls. 
 And... she found her thumb.

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...