Our Ruby girl turned 13 months old this week. She's really getting good at talking and walking. We had lots of fun in the snow last weekend at Winter Freeze with Andy and the high school and middle school crew. Ruby got a little cold at one point, but other than that she did great. She was pretty much the camp mascot and loved being around all the kids. She's also getting very good at putting her legos together. Although sometimes she tries to stick them to a book or a block. :)
She's also getting good at object permanence. She knows that the chickens are in the back yard and says "Di-di" to go see them. She gets pretty upset when we take something away that she's not supposed to have, but she usually gets over it quickly.
Ruby in the snow.
Playing the piano with her friend Quinn.
She put something in the box and tried to reach in to get it out. Mommy had to help.
I helped in the kitchen at Winter Freeze, and Ruby was a trooper!
Group photo.
This is how she usually sleeps. On her tummy with her legs tucked under and her bum in the air.
When she doesn't want a food item anymore, she puts it on the table.
We went for a walk yesterday and had to bundle up. She loves going to see the baby chicks at Wilco.