Ruby turned 17 months old yesterday. It's been rainy for the past few weeks, but today the sun finally came out. Unfortunately it's supposed to get super hot this week though. :( I think I want the rain back.
My favorite thing that Ruby's been doing this week is asking for her "bakeg" (blanket) every time she nurses ("noney"), and she likes to have it on her, even when it's hot. Silly girl.
We had tons of fun this week. My family was here for my cousin Mary's wedding. It was so nice to see all of them. Here is a picture of Ruby and I before the wedding. It was a little tough going to a 3:00 wedding, because she didn't get a nap. She was a hot mess by the reception, so we had to leave a little early. But we still enjoyed the day. The weather was perfect for just that one afternoon, then it went back to rain.
Here's Ruby with her cousins Quin and Lia, and her second cousins Jack, Jonny and Sam. Ruby loved playing with Sam's feet. I'm not sure the other two boys were too happy in the wagon.
Playing with her cousins.
Our family before the wedding.
It looks like she was punching Daddy, but she was just sticking her hand in his mouth.
Riding the horsey with Lia at Safeway.
Uncle Randy liked hanging out with his nieces.
This is the best picture I got. Silly squirmy kids.
Reading a book with Grandma Debbie.
My sis and our little loves.
She sure loves her "yogo".
I fed Ruby hummus for the first time, and she got a rash around her mouth :(
Saying goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma.
She loves Sheriff Woody.
Playing in her room.
Laying back in her chair like Grandpa.
See what I mean about her yogurt?
Helping me with laundry.
The piano bench was over against the game closet so Ruby can't open the door, and she went over to it and kept saying "minano", so I put it by the piano and she wanted to get up on it and play.
Playing with her "bi-baw" in her chair.
We met our friends at the park today. Ruby can't quite keep up with Penny and Karley, but she sure tries!
Playing on the tennis court.