Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sick baby

It was an interesting week for sure. Andy bought Ruby and I some shirts as a surprise gift this week :) Here's Ruby in one of hers. So cute.

We've been dealing with Ruby's temper tantrums... it's really not fun. She throws a fit when she can't have her way. I've taken to putting her on the floor by the wall until she's finished, so hopefully that will help her learn that it's not okay.
 She's getting really good at eating her yogurt with a spoon. Except that it still makes a huge mess every time. I call this one "Ruby Claus."
 Getting ready to go blueberry picking with Mommy.
 Lounging while I washed the couch cover.
 She's so flexible. It's been pretty hot, so we've gone on lots of morning walks.
 Helping Mommy with the chores.
 She spent Saturday afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa Pullen's house. She had lots of fun.

 Saturday night in the middle of the night I thought Ruby was pretty warm when I got up with her. I took her temperature on Sunday before church, and it was fine, so we went to church.
 After her nap she was super warm again. It eventually got to 102.3, which is pretty high. She was so pitiful and cuddly.
 We watched a movie.
 She snuggled with us a lot.
 We decided to feed her some applesauce for dinner, and shortly after that she threw it up. Luckily I was able to catch it and it didn't get all over our freshly washed couch cover. Poor girl, she really didn't feel well. We think it has to do with her molar coming in, because I can't think of anyone else who was sick, and neither of us got sick. We put her to bed, and she woke up the next morning fever free and feeling much better.
 The best seat in the house... Daddy's face :)
Heading up to our friends' house in Portland.
 Here's a lego creation Ruby built. She's so talented.

 Improving by the minute.

 She loves trying on our shoes.

Playing around with Mommy.

Bath time!

She likes to stand on her head.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beach camp part II

Ruby looks so cool in her sunglasses. :) The last half of camp was lots of fun. My sister and her family came for two nights for a wedding, and we got to hang out. Ruby sure loved being on the beach and playing in the sand. We got home and we were all pretty tired, so Sunday afternoon and Monday were a nice time to relax.
 She pulled a bunch of money out of one of our envelopes, then said "Oh deaw."
 Playing with her sand toys.
 Baby footprints.
 She climbed up on the bag while I was unpacking to read her bible.
 Cutie pie.
 She started teething again in the last few weeks, so she has been rather fussy. Her back right bottom molar is right below the surface, so hopefully it will come in soon.
 She loves falling onto the couch pillows. Kind of like the jumping contests we used to have as kids with our cousins. :)
 The library has a summer reading program, so if we read to Ruby every day she gets prizes once-a-week. This weeks was a painting paper. She mostly just wanted to play with the q-tips and the water.
 I made an elephant (she says "ewudee"), her favorite animal, out of playdough.
 She loves her Daddy a lot. We all like to go look at the garden to see what's growing.
 Fussy girl :(
Last night we went over to our friends' house, and Ruby got to play with her girl friends (Penny, Karley and Hannah). They're all 7-10 months older than her, but she keeps up pretty well.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


We had a crazy busy week, which is why this post is happening on Sunday instead of Thursday. :) We left for camping at Juanita Lake on July 4th, came back on the 6th, and headed up to Dunes Bible Camp in Washington on the 7th and we were there for a week. Here are a bunch of pictures from our trips!
 This is before we left, Becca is helping Ruby ride a scooter in our remodeled church kitchen.
 She had her keys and her water, and was ready for camping.
 Happy 4th of July!
 Ruby with Grandma Debbie.
 She was so cold at night camping that I brought her into our bed. But then I slept really bad.. oh well. This is what we woke up to :) She's so sweet.
 She loved sweeping the dirt around.
 She also loves her cousin Lia.
 We had lots of fun camping. Ruby was very busy and it was interesting having to follow her around all the time. Definitely harder than when she was 5 months old camping last year. 
 But she loved it! She collected lots of rocks and things.
 Strolling around the lake.
 This is her camp chair, but I think she only sat in it this once.
 After normal bed time. Evenings were hard because I have such a loud family. Andy put Ruby to bed both nights and stayed in the tent with her until she fell asleep. The second night she was in our bed and he read to her until she fell asleep. So sweet.
 Ruby with her second cousin Jonny who is about 3-4 months older.
We took Ruby swimming right before we left the lake. She wasn't too sure about it.
Especially the floating on her back in her life jacket part. After that we headed home for one night.
 Ruby's morning face on Sunday morning.
 Walking around with Grandpa Del on our way up north.
 We ate lunch at Fultano's pizza. Ruby was not a fan of the train ride.
But she did like driving the car with Daddy. 
 She loved the little chickens at the camp.
 Walking down to the beach.
 She had tons of fun with our sand toys.

 She ate sand a few times and then chewed on it. Gross.
 Digging a hole.
 Standing in the hole.
 She liked standing in the waves. I had to pick her up a few times when they got too high.

 We watched a few movies while Daddy was working at the camp.
 Daddy got in on this movie.
 Playing drums.
What a peach. More pictures to follow on Thursday of the rest of our week camping.

Ruby's new favorite thing is to walk everywhere on her own. She says "walk" and leans down. She also had a little bit of stranger anxiety start at camp. When someone new comes up to her now, she says "mommy" or "daddy" and points at us. Just so she knows we're there, I think.

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...