So... apparently I forgot to do this post. Sorry! This is from two weeks ago, and we were busy getting all ready for Christmas. Reid finally got over his nasty cold. I don't know why he had it so long, poor guy. He seems to get everything he comes in contact with and takes a while to recover.
We did have a fun week though. It snowed again, and we did a bunch of fun Christmassy things.
He was pulling around his "babies."
Our little snow man stayed up for a few days! We usually get rain right after snow, but this time it just got sunny and stayed cold. So the snow stayed around, which was fun.
Our cuties.
They really love each other, and they also love tomato soup.
Date night! On Friday night Del and Patty braved the snow/ice to watch the kids for us so we could see Rogue One. It was a lot of fun.
And then I think on Saturday night we drove around to look at Christmas lights. The kids loved it! We had to stick to flat neighborhoods because it was still pretty slick on steeper streets. They only plow main roads around here, not side streets. I'm not sure why...
Ruby made a page of blueberries for Reid while he was napping because they're his favorite. And he's been liking to take care of Baby Pluto lately.
She's so pretty.
And he's so handsome.
We made these healthy frosted brownies which were delicious. They worked really well as bribes to get the kids to nap. Ruby has been still napping about half of the time, which is nice for me because I need naps right now too.
Reid got these hives at dinner on Saturday night, which was weird. We think it was related to his virus. They went away by the next day.
Frozen drive to church, it was gorgeous out.
They love to ride the bus!
Sunday night we slept out by the Christmas tree. We watched the Santa Clause, which was fun, but then the kids stayed up until almost 10pm!
Lounging during the movie.
All snuggled up for bed. Andy slept by them on the floor and I got the couch. :)
Morning!! They were so excited to wake up in the living room all together.
This is the usual state of our table. The kids love coloring and making crafts.
She made this "R" for her preschool star of the week poster coming up on her birthday week.
Snuggling together. She took a nap in her sleeping bag.
And then they set them back up in the living room and played "camping."
And they also got out a bunch of play food, and Reid kept getting up from his sleeping bag to go eat something.
She makes the cutest Lego towers.
They were so excited because they got a "Sorry!"
And then they lost. Hahaha
Almost done with our Christmas Advent Nativity! It turned out so cute.
Showing me how to do their workout.
Silly kids at bath time.
They love their baths and their bath toys. But after the bath Reid is always really cold and likes to cuddle, which is so cute.
Morning hair... we drove down to Sublimity to get hair cuts on Wednesday! He was very much in need.
She loves it. And we love visiting Janna.
She does really good at it all...
...and so does Reid!
Handsome little guy. He looks so grown up with his new hair cut.
Pretty girl. She found this snow globe and loved it.
And then she was upset in the car because her friends weren't home when we tried dropping something off at their house, so she pouted like this for a while. Hahaha
Thursday night we went down to McMenamins to have some dessert and see the Dickens Carolers.
Dessert was delicious...
And the music was so fun! They came and sang Frosty the Snowman to us at our table.
Hat included.
The kids got to ring jingle bells during the song, which Ruby did. Reid just sat there staring the whole time.
Pretending to sleep under the tree again.
Taking care of Baby Pluto.
Nap time!
Post nap, sometimes he is cranky and just wants to snuggle for a while.
I finished the baby's stocking in time for Christmas!
Ruby made a bunch of Christmas cookies with play dough. They were delicious.