Wow, as of today we can officially deliver at the birth center! Andy keeps saying "We're in the drop zone." And it might be just in time, I've been having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions today. We'll just have to wait and see though!
I think baby is probably well over 6 pounds by now, which is good. We are getting so excited to meet this little one! I think we have settled on a boy name finally, but are still undecided for a middle name. The girl name is all set. :) Ruby is so excited to tell everyone if it's a boy or a girl at the birth. I've been prepping the kids with their own birth videos.
At the birth center on Monday, the baby was a little transverse, like at an angle with the head toward my left hip, which is not great. But Megan was confident that we can get it head down, even if I were in labor. There's a lot of room for baby to move around in there because of my diastasis. I've been working on my positioning, like sitting properly, to get it to be in the best position.
I have been sleeping horribly lately! I can't fall asleep until late, and then I wake up a ton in the night, and have been waking up super early in the morning. It's rough! At least I usually can squeeze a little nap in most afternoons. That is a lifesaver. Sweet Ruby will take a little rest in my room and I'll fall asleep on the couch, and then she'll come out and quietly start coloring or playing play dough at the table or something. She's a gem.
Changes this week: Contractions!! And baby moved to transverse. Hopefully it is head down now.
Cravings this week: Everything. I've started gaining weight again, which is good! I think I'm up to 24 pounds now. :)