I'm still way behind on my posts! Here are the pics from mid-June. Ruby was wrapping up her school year, and Miles was getting better and better at walking. My parents came p to help us with a big yard sale.
Andy and the kids walked down the street and Ruby's friend Maya from school had this fun little electric scooter. Ruby loved it and was really good at it!
Reid wanted to get on for a try too and had so much fun.
And Miles enjoyed his book. His 18 month pants are way too small. Hah!
We all walked Ruby to school on Wednesday. Reid was cold and wanted his brown blanket.
Ruby wanted a picture with this huge cedar tree that is right outside the school.
Reid wanted his stuffed animals to eat lunch with us, so he got out the booster seat for them and buckled them in.
After school fort building in the hallway! They all three had fun in there for a long time.
Sometimes he eats like a dog and thinks it's funny. He has a great sense of humor already.
We all went to Ruby's Kindergarten puppet show, including all 4 grandparents! She did great, and it was really cute. They made their puppets, and hers was an Oni (monster).
Ruby with her teacher, Mrs. Kohl.
Singing their Kindergarten song (to the tune of the Adams Family).
We had some strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries from my mom's garden to celebrate Father's Day a little early.
It was so delicious!
Grandpa and Ruby loved it.
Grandma loved it.
Miles loved it!
We had him sleep in the pack n play in our room so my parents could have a room. He cried and cried at first, but once I got him to sleep he did fine. It was good practice for camping coming up soon. He has been sleeping through the night almost every night, which has been lovely!!!
We got all ready for the yard sale on Friday. We couldn't have done it without my parents!
We did a lot of playing out in the front yard.
Grandpa helped Reid fix his tractor.
He has been giving the cutest kisses (mostly tongue). Hahaha
Friday after school Ruby went to her friend Annabel's spy themed birthday party! She was so cute.
Mom and I went to pick her up, she had tons of fun! Most of her class was there, so it was kind of like an end of the year party too. The boy in the red shirt is Ren who also goes to our church sometimes.
Ru was excited to give Annabel her birthday gift.
Ruby and Grandma made really yummy Snickerdoodles for a little bake sale outside on Saturday. The neighbor girls down the street were selling lemonade too. Of course, Ruby went down and played with them for a long time.
There were several other sales down our street on Saturday, and Ruby found this cute cat hat to buy.
Giving me a flower. <3
We had the kids watch a movie in the afternoon, they sure are cute.
Then in the late afternoon we cleaned up the yard sale (we made $206!) and headed down to Uncle Paul and Aunt Paula's house for a dinner Maddie put on for her supporters. We went a little early to play on the farm. Ruby loves to swim!! She was even jumping in the pool. Andy got in with her too.
Reid and Grandpa rode around on the mower for a really long time. Reid even got to drive and did really good! Miles liked it too.
Reid LOVED Daisy. We need to get this boy a dog. Miles did too!
Father's Day picture with Grandpa and Grandma after church! We love when they come to see us.
We went out to St. Honoré Boulangerie for a little brunch after church. The Croque Madame was delicious.
Grandpa with his littlest grand baby. They headed back home right afterward.
<3 I love these four!!! Andy's such a good dad to our kids.
Grandma brought this fun house for Ruby to build and paint.
Reid took a nice Father's Day nap.
We went out for milkshakes and fries with Andy's parents.
It was so fun!
Reid did this all on his own with the pens and pencils (while he was supposed to be writing his name on thank you cards).
Boys in the bath. They sure love each other.