Friday, February 22, 2019

Valentine's Day and Olaf the bunny

We had an interesting week. I got a tiny blood clot in my eye on Wednesday, and thankfully I was able to see an Ophthalmologist that same day who diagnosed it. He had me follow up with my doctor who ran all kinds of bloodwork and heart tests to make sure it wasn't being caused by something. I just heard yesterday that everything came back normal, so hopefully it was just an isolated incident and will never happen again!

A few nights ago I was putting Miles to bed and he said, "I love you!" very clearly. It was the cutest thing ever, I had to rush out and show the rest of the family. :) He's really starting to put words together a lot.

Both big kids had Valentine's Day parties at school, which they said were super fun!
 I took the boys to Fun for One's at the Bethany library on Tuesday. They both loved it!
 Reid worked so hard on his Valentine's.
 Here they are all ready to go! :)
 The kids built a pirate ship fort and then played pirates. Ruby has a cloth napkin tied on her head. Haha
 We couldn't find Miles's Munny one night so he had to go to sleep with Dino instead. Thankfully he did fine, and then Reid found him later and I stuck Munny in his crib. He woke up and said, "Got it!" in the morning.
 The heat was broken at preschool! Reid had fun anyway.
 Valentine's morning I made heart pancakes for breakfast. Ruby was so happy.
 Then I did these heart pigtails in her hair.
 After school Reid asked for me to cut out a heart, then he made this Valentine for Ruby. He wrote her name almost all by himself! He asked, "How to you make a B?" I made a small b for him, but he asked for a big B. When I showed him to just add a top bubble, his mind was blown. Haha!
 Sissy Baby bath time. The big kids do better with separate baths, but Miles likes to join both of them. He's the only one who likes them!
 Ruby learned how to do her own ponytail!
 These are all the vials for my blood tests! They tested pretty much everything possible.
 Plumber butt.
 Ruby's Valentine she made for Reid.
 We borrowed Olaf the bunny from Reid's preschool for the long weekend! He was so soft, sweet, and cute.
 We all had a lot of fun with him.
 Frances came over to play for the evening on Friday.
 She was here late, so we watched a show at bed time. The toddlers were enthralled. Haha
 Reid made a b!
 On Saturday it was raining a lot, but we wanted to go outside to play. So we loaded up the bikes in the car and went to the school.
 They have this great covered area which is so fun!
 Bunny snuggles. He really liked Ruby because she would sit and pet him. The boys chased him a lot, which he didn't love as much.
 I was in the nursery with Miles on Sunday. He was pretty tired by the end of it and was just lounging in the ball pit! Hahaha
 Sunday afternoon art.
 Ruby wanted Andy to take pictures of her posing. Haha!
 Feeding Olaf lettuce.
 Ruby was getting sick and was pretty tired. She wanted Andy to hold her like this for a long time, which is super rare for her! It was so sweet.
On Monday the kids didn't have school and Andy took off work. In the afternoon/evening it was nice-ish outside so we all went out to play.
They were digging up treasure.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Snow!!! (Well, a little bit...)

The kids are finally all better!! Aside from a little bit of snot and coughs. But way better than they were last week with everything. The stool samples for Reid all came back negative, so we have no idea what they had. A virus maybe?

Miles had been quite fussy for a few days and I was worried that he was getting more sickness... then I thought about feeling in his mouth and sure enough his top two molars had poked through! These are his last two baby teeth to come in, so we are almost done with teething completely. Woo!
 We woke up Tuesday morning with a light dusting of snow! The kids were so excited. Ruby had a 2 hour delay for school so we got to enjoy it a little bit.
 The kids got on snow gear when it was still dark outside. :) I made them stay in the side yard because we've seen wild animals out back when we get snow, namely a bobcat and a coyote. Yikes!
 Waffle breakfast! We sure love our waffles.
 So pretty out!
 The big kids got snow gear on again and went out to play with the neighbor girls. Miles looked on but I could tell he wanted to be outside too... we found him some snow things and out we went! He loved it!
 Snowball time. It all melted in a few hours and Ruby went to school.
 The boys and I went to Target. This is how Miles ends up sometimes with his legs. Hah!
 It's not so easy to eat with box hands.
 They made a restaurant/shoe store called Shoe and Chew. Haha! They made Andy and I both shop there. :)
 Andy was dragging Reid and Miles wanted to do it too. But he didn't know to lay down, it was funny to see him figure it out.
 Reid and I built this symmetrical track. He said it was a guy with a backpack on.
 We took Reid to the doctor on Wednesday. Poor guy, he missed the whole week of school. Thankfully by Thursday he started getting better.
 Play dough time! Then Miles started eating it, of course.
 He loves playing with the little Duplo animals, it's so cute.
 We found Jeapordy on Netflix so we watched it and Ruby was pretty confused. So I made our own Jeapordy game for her so she would understand it better. She loved it!
 She made this for Reid. <3
 Snuggly boys playing "Lost babies." Except Reid always says "My mommy and daddy died with cancer."
 He loves building Lego creations. He says he never wants to take this one apart.
 We got some more flakes coming down over the weekend! They predicted a Snowpocalypse, so the boys and I got groceries on Friday. The line at Winco went all the way through the back of the store! But then none of the snow stuck. Haha!
 Enjoying a few flakes.
 Saturday during Miles's nap we made some Valentine's cookies.
 It was way fun.
 We made regular sugar cookie dough then put chocolate in some and red food coloring in some, then I made chocolate ganache to stick them together and decorate them.
 They were so cute!
 And delicious! We had lots of fun.
After Miles's nap we went up to the hills to find some snow.
 This is up by the big cemetery.
 It was SO cold! So we didn't stay out long.
 On Sunday our church got cancelled because they got a lot more snow on the East side of the city. So we went to our friends' church down in Beaverton. And then we went down to the Pullens' house for dinner. Ruby loved helping with the puzzle.
 Then the kids all played hide and seek for a long time, and this was Miles's favorite place to hide.
 He does this frequently!
 On Monday the big kids finally both went to school. I put a lot of toys in this box to clean them up, but then Miles just climbed in the box to play with them. Haha!
 We ate tacos for dinner and had tomatoes left over, which Miles then climbed in a chair and immediately devoured. He loves tomatoes!
Ruby fell asleep in our bed, she's so sweet. <3

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...