Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Grandma and Grandpa visit

For the week of August 20-26
I've gotten behind again! We're saving up to go to Disneyland in December, so I've been spending every spare moment doing all of my side hustles and earning extra $$. But I love my kids and I love my blog, so here you go!

Reid has gotten his two top molars in, and has two more wiggly teeth on the bottom. He's getting so big!
Miles has been having dreams the last few nights, which have included, "Mya took my mower." "The car was driving backwards." "A monster hurt my ear." Two year old bad dreams are so funny! Poor guy though, he wakes up crying. :(
Ruby has been such a good helper and her attitude has changed a lot for the better since school started, thank goodness! It was a bit of a rough summer. We had a night of snuggling and I rubbed her feet and her back the other night, which was so special.
 We really enjoyed all of the blackberries. These two were good pickers this year! And Miles is obsessed. We ended up with about 3 1/2 gallon bags frozen for the year.
 He loves dressing up, especially with gloves or socks on his hands. Hah!
 They were all three vacuuming!
 Art time! We drew with white crayon and then did watercolors over it.
 This was the best carrot that we grew in our little garden, so we all shared it. Most of them were tiny. The lettuce did great though, and we got a few beets too.
 We went blueberry picking! We met some friends there and had fun.
 I put Miles on my back so he wouldn't run around like crazy, and he picked and ate a ton. I did let him down for a while, but then had to chase him all over! Haha.
 Our cars both had an airbag recall, so we got a rental! They tried to give us a CRV, but we couldn't get all three car seats in. So we were upgraded to this Honda Passport with all the bells and whistles. It was so fun to drive for the day! The kids loved the back up camera and sun roof.
 Miles eats tomatoes like apples. Hah!
 Ruby wanted to try on my veil and picked some nasturtiums for a bouquet. <3
 Silly boy! He loves the stage.
 Miles was being very quiet while I was in the kitchen... turns out he got dirt from a potted plant and was digging it with his tractors- right after I had washed the couch cover. Hah!
 Reid got his cast off! His arm looked great, so they said as long as his mobility returned fully he's fine (which it did).
 He wanted to keep his cast.
 Looking up blueberry recipes! The big kids had dessert cookbooks, but Miles got the Mexican cookbook. Hah! He kept saying, "Ooh! Blueberries!"
 He was wearing my tank top like a purse and walking around like that.
 Library time!
 Ruby had fun with the art project. I love the kids stuff they always have there.
 Ruby and Reid made a little fort in the living room.
 Grandma and Grandpa came!! We went down to the Dahlia festival in Canby, which was amazing!
 There were lots of old tractors to inspect.
 My three flowers. <3
 Handsome boys!
 Ruby always used to say, "Blah blah blah," so she wanted her picture with these flowers.
 I was impressed when Grandpa put Ruby on his shoulders!
 The flowers were absolutely gorgeous.
 We went to see the inside display of the best blooms. Miles was actually scared down there because some of the flowers were huge- like 12" in diameter!
 Mom snapped this cute family pic.
 Reid is so cute.
 Happy guy! We had to chase him all around, as usual.
 Miles wanted to snuggle up right in between Grandma and Grandpa.
 On Saturday for dinner I put on a Back to School Mystery dinner! It was so fun. Everyone got to choose their food/utensils for each course without knowing what they would get!
 Reid got pie and a roll for his first course, which he was not upset about.
 Miles trying out his knife.
 Dad had to eat peas with a knife! Haha
 Mom eating steak with only a fork. It turned out to be so much fun. :) Mom and dad are good sports.
Then we all played "Keep Talking so Nobody Explodes" or something like that. It was pretty entertaining. 
 Mom and Dad read to the kids and put them to bed. They're so helpful!
Then more reading the next morning.
 On Sunday we had an ice cream party after church.
 The kids loved it, of course.
 Reading to Baby.
 She's really getting so big and grown up. She is just the cutest thing, too.
 I took the kids to Pirate Park.
 They all loved digging in the sand pit.
 Reid collaborated with some other boys and dug a huge pit.
 Then we had Frances over!
 These two get along really well.
 Miles loves to go outside and watch "the tractors working," and he brought Bunny and Bear after his nap. We spend a lot of time out there, rain or shine.
So precious. <3

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...