Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ruby's 2nd birthday!

Our Peach turned 2 on Sunday!! We had a very busy, fun week celebrating and doing all kinds of other things. She was so excited about her party and kept saying "Eat caterpillar birthday party cake" all week before hand. This past year has been so much fun. We've gone from seeing her take her first steps and say her first words to running and talking in rather long sentences. We love being her parents! And we're excited to see what this next year will hold and to see her transition to being a big sister soon. 
We got on WIC this week. It's a huge blessing to get free groceries. I think we could have gotten on it before now, but I didn't even think about it until some of my friends mentioned it. So glad they did! We decided to say goodbye to Ruby's paci's today (they had holes and I don't want to buy any more). We'll see how that goes tonight and tomorrow for nap. Then in a few weeks I think we're going to get out her toddler bed. She's growing up!
Here are a ton of pictures from our week. Enjoy!

 She loves riding the horsey at Safeway pretty much every time we go there. She's gotten really good at putting the quarter in herself.

 She loves helping Mommy cook, especially stirring.

 She said, "Ruby do dishes for Mommy." <3 If only...

 Lounging on the potty. She doesn't really go that much, but it's a start!

 Having Lupe play Legos.

 Big tower!

After lunch on Sunday we ate birthday ice cream... homemade strawberry. It was yummy.

 Opening up her present. She kept saying, "New water bottle," because that's what she got for Christmas.

 We got her a new train set.

 I'm not sure who likes it more.

 Annual photo with Mommy.

 She likes to put the tracks together.

 Grandma Debbie and Grandpa John came the night of her birthday. Grandpa made her this cute little play kitchen. She was so excited to take the blanket off and hasn't stopped playing with it since.

 Measuring with Grandma Debbie.

 Grandma and Grandpa took her to Motion Monday.

She sure loves singing and dancing.

Playing with Karley.

 Birthday pie for lunch.

 We made this caterpillar birthday cake. She loved it!

 It was Andy's idea to do the leaf. It turned out pretty cute.

Here is the decorations and craft I made the night before, inspired by one of Ruby's books.

Ready for her birthday party.

 Birthday girl!

 Crafting with Grandma.


Blowing out her candles. She got them both!

 Cake! Needless to say, she did not sleep well that night after all of that sugar and excitement. Good thing she only has birthdays once-a-year.

 Playing with her new play food and kitchen. It was a little crazy with all the kids!

 Deep in conversation with Aunt Becca.

 Family photo.

 Crafting caterpillars.

 Karley, Hannah and Penny eating cake at Ruby's new table from Grandma Patty and Grandpa Del.

 Cool new shades from Aunt Becca.

 Play time.

 She loves her new little table. She takes the chairs around everywhere.

 On Wednesday Ruby got her first hair trim by Janna! She did great.

 Before... she had a little mullet.

 She only cut about an inch off of the very back. It's nice and even now and looks great.

 Look out Woody!

 The last few days they have been doing work right outside on the water lines. It's great entertainment... except when we get to nap time and it's loud. She's been sleeping pretty well anyway.

 Tea party with her French monkeys... Jacques, Pierre, and Jean-Philippe.

 Waiting for Daddy to come home.

 Silly girl.

 She runs over to my pregnancy photo spot for me to take pictures of her. Daddy joined in on this one.

 She clocked her head pretty good this morning and got a big goose egg. Ouch!

 I'm not sure what to make of this. Charred Disney characters.

Train time!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

25 weeks

25 weeks already! Only 15 weeks to go. Baby Heartbeat is about a pound and a half and over a foot long at this point. I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable now. My hips hurt when I sleep and I'm getting lower back pain pretty bad when I bend over for longer periods of time. That part is no fun. But I love feeling the little guy/girl move around. The other night in the middle of the night it was just squirming away. And it was kicking a lot one evening and Andy was feeling it, then Ruby put her hand on and said she felt it too! I'm just waiting for it to kick her when I'm rocking her or something. :)

Changes this week: A lot of people are starting to comment on my belly. I'm feeling pretty big now. I'm feeling pretty good though, except for being uncomfortable.

Cravings this week: I really just want a yummy donut, but that's not in our eating plan for this week (We're doing a 14 week real food challenge). Maybe next week I'll get one. :)

Link to Ruby's 25 week post

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lego development

 This week Ruby has gone from building just tall towers with the 2x2 blocks to building all kinds of things. It's been lots of fun to see that develop. And she says the funniest things too. It's so fun to get to play with her every day and see what she'll come up with next. Her favorite activities are coloring, playing Legos, playing with her pots and pans, and pushing her dolly stroller around.

I can't believe she's turning 2 on Sunday!! This year has been a blast. At this time last year she was just learning to walk and saying her first words. We're really looking forward to the next year with her and seeing her become a big sister. Speaking of... she felt Baby Heartbeat move today. At least I think she did. Andy was holding her hand on my stomach and it kicked. :) I'm excited for her to feel it more and to understand more. She seems to understand pretty well though, yesterday she was asking to hold the baby and putting her hands out by my stomach. So cute.

 Building a "car dryer" with Daddy. She's obsessed and wants to see it every time we drive down First Street. She always guesses if it will be open or closed.

 I caught this picture at the end of her nap. This is how she normally sleeps.

 Having fun at Motion Monday.


 Reading stories with Daddy.

 She wanted that necklace on her face, then got her purse and stroller and said she was going to church.

 Cutie pie.

 I was cooking in the kitchen, and she built this Lego structure completely by herself. Flowers and all.

 Watching for the mail to come.

 She "helped" me make enchiladas yesterday... It mostly consisted of her eating lots of cheese and black beans, and trying to fold the tortillas.

 We don't watch much TV at all. Daddy decided to show her a little bit of Finding Nemo and she was enthralled.

 A little bit of attitude.

 Playing Legos again this morning. She likes her sweatshirt.

 She wanted to ride her horsey. Hah!

 It was such a nice day, we went out to feed the chickens a snack.

 In her cute froggy boots.

 She's been playing Jingle Bells on the piano a lot.

 She was setting out the napkins saying, "Dif one's for Daddys, dif one's for Mommys..."

We took a little family photo tonight. Ruby loves to smile for the camera.

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...