Well, this last week has been a doozy again. I didn't take many pictures because I've been really sick with the nasty RSV that we all got. But thankfully the fog is lifting and I'm starting to feel better. We had a bunch of people help take care of us by bringing dinner and watching Ruby for me. That was so helpful! Today I was able to at least get the house semi-clean and get a few things ready for baby just in case he/she decides to come early.
Easter this year was pretty low key. We went to church, but just had risotto at home for lunch because I didn't feel well and didn't want to spread it. It was special though. Ruby looked for her Easter basket in the morning before church, and really liked it! She got some books, a few new choo-choo train track pieces, and some Easter eggs with Annie's organic bunny crackers inside. She comes up to me several times a day and says, "I wanna have one Easter egg."
Yesterday Ruby said her first full prayer all by herself. It went like this, "Dear Jesus, thank you for the chairs and the table and Mommy and Daddy and Ruby and Baby Heartbeat and Aunt Becca. Amen." She says it in this quiet high little voice. It was so cute and precious!
Ruby and Daddy had lots of fun dyeing Easter eggs on Friday. She kept saying, "It's so pretty!"
She's really into her Bible stories. We read about Jesus dying on the cross on Good Friday, and she keeps wanting to see that again. So I make sure to talk about Jesus raising from the dead too.
Snuggle time with Daddy during a movie.
Pretty Easter clothes.
I came around the corner and she was reading a story to Daisy Duck.
Driving the car! Thankfully we have a few more years before this will really happen.
Double fisting. This girl really loves her breakfast.
My shelf! Ignore the messy house. It was an absolute disaster for a few days.
We went to Ruby's friend Hannah's birthday party yesterday after our midwife appointment. Ruby found this stethoscope and wanted to hear baby heartbeat again.
She had kind of goopy eyes last night and woke up with them a little bit swollen. I was afraid she had pink eye, but I'm pretty sure it's just
14 days to go!! Hope you can balance between rest and exercise to get ready. I bet the baby will come fast!! Sweet pictures of Ruby! Sweet prayer too, isn't it so precious to watch them grow up and grasp spiritual things? Can't wait to spend time with you!