We moved to Beaverton this week! It was pretty crazy. We had two days to pack when we got back from Mass, and then we moved on Saturday and came back to Stayton for church on Sunday, and then Andy started his new job on Monday. What an insane week. Ruby had a hard time adjusting for a while. Poor thing. Reid has been doing well, but getting several teeth in all at the same time hasn't helped.
We found time to walk to the park on Thursday amidst all of the crazy packing. It was a nice break, and a fun last visit to our park.
Ruby climbed up this all by herself!
Playing in the pile of coats before they got boxed up.
We walked Ruby down the street to the neighbors' house on Friday so I could pack. It was a nice day out.
They're so cute. They really love each other.
Diaper babies in their room.
Taking out the beds on Friday night. Friday was also my birthday, but we didn't celebrate much. Some guys all came and loaded up our furniture and a lot of boxes into a HUGE trailer, so that was a nice birthday present.
We slept out in the living room that night.
Saturday we ate breakfast on the floor, then went crazy packing and loading the last of our things. Reid and I drove up to Portland and Andy followed with three trucks, two trailers, and a few cars. Ruby went to our friends the Reece's house for the day.
We met our new rental agent guy and signed the papers, and then we moved everything in. It was a jumble of boxes. These guys all helped us arrange the furniture and start unpacking the kitchen. Then we drove back down to Stayton for the night. We stayed at the Reece's house, and Janna did a tour of Stayton/Sublimity for dinner with Mashita, Ixtapa and Panezanellie for dinner. It was so sweet.
Sunday was a little bit crazy. We went to early service, then I took Reid to our old house to do some cleaning while Andy did his last Middle School group during second service. Then we had a goodbye party at the Harper's house after church, and the Pullens graciously went to our house to do more cleaning. Ruby went to someone's house, and we cleaned like crazy after that until dinner time. Then the kids and I went to our new house while Andy did his last High School youth group and he came home. Whew!
One of the families made these cookies at the potluck party. They were so cute. Ruby loved them.
Reid chasing his friend Addy around. They're about a month apart in age.
Ruby playing with her friend Hannah. We sure miss our Stayton friends a lot!
When we moved out the fridge, we found this mouse hole. We had two mice over the course of almost 6 years living there. It was a cute little hole.
Looking empty!
I wanted a picture of the kids in the room where they were born. I put them in the spots they came out, but Reid quickly crawled to Ruby...
And then they started wrestling...
They're so fun. I'm sad to leave this, but glad for all of the memories.
Our last photo with our ground beef colored house.
And on to new life in our new place! The washer/dryer is in the hallway, so now I sort laundry on our bed. So easy! And Ruby likes playing in the piles.
Reid likes to open the cabinets. He's getting around so well now! Not long until he'll be walking.
Ruby's sad that she's in jail while Daddy puts Reid's crib together.
She loves playing with my purse. We really like having laminate floors instead of carpet under our table. We have to sweep a lot though with these kids...
Having a picnic snack in our new back yard.
We bought some strawberries, and this is how Ruby ate them.
Ben and Jerry's had free ice cream day, so Reid had his first taste of ice cream and liked it.
Ruby got her own little bowl.
First bath in the new tub! It's way less gross than our old tub, which is really nice.
The stores are all so close by! 15 minutes max. It's really nice. And a lot of them have these huge long train-like shopping carts.
Napping. :)
She still loves her white boards. We got some new dry erase markers for her.
The ants came pretty much right when we moved our food in to our new kitchen. But I did my borax/maple syrup mixture and they're all gone now. Works like a charm.
We really love our back yard!
She made a jump rope out of the trash bag roll.
Naked baby!
Brave Daddy!
Shopping at our new Winco. I forgot the chicken I bought and had to go back for it later. At least it's only 12 minutes away.
Reid's getting really good at feeding himself.
We went to a park on Thursday. There are a bunch of them within 15 minutes drive, but unfortunately none close enough to walk to. Oh well. We'll still enjoy them when we can.
Ruby is definitely your child - you were 3 when you age a LOT of strawberries taking one bite out of each! Such cute pictures. Glad you had such good moving help. Friends are wonderful. Hope you make some new ones soon. Yes, that Reid will be walking soon. Such sweet kids. Can't wait to see all of you!