Friday, May 15, 2020

Quarantine week 8: Reid turns 6!

I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP!!!! This is for this last week, 5/5-5/11. Woohoo!! I'm so glad my photos works now (thanks Andy!!). 

Our middlest turned 6 this week! He is such a special boy. He is so sweet and loving, he makes me cards almost every day that say "I love Mom" with pictures of him shooting hearts at me. He loves any kind of machine. When he grows up he wants to be an engineer and a pet store owner. Hah! He's just the cutest.

Miles had been coming in our bed every night, but he's finally sleeping in his all night! Last night he cam in our room at 2am, stared at me for a minute, then ran back to his room and went back to bed for the rest of the night.

Ruby has been having a very tough week. She really misses her friends, going places, seeing people, and just normal life. It's so hard.

I have a lot of pictures from this week, we had fun.
She keeps changing the location of where she does school and tries to make a desk for herself.
Another example.
And another. Haha!
She had to make a more stable tower, and got it to go all the way to the ceiling!!
PE time.
I tried some sourdough cinnamon rolls. They were indescribably yummy.
"Mom! This is a good idea!" Uh...
He keeps us entertained, that's for sure.
The weather turned super hot and windy. It got up to 85 one day! We got out and went for a walk.
The kids were so hot they wanted to sit in the shade for a while.
And then he got sooooo sleepy. He hasn't been napping at all, but still sometimes falls asleep. Mostly when we're in the car or on Daddy's shoulders.
He found a stick and brought it all the way home.
They busted out the swim suits and the sprinkler! Ruby sure loves water. Reid wouldn't go in. He says he doesn't want to get baptized because he's afraid of going under water. :( We'll keep talking about it.
Miles got up super early one morning, so I went out to the couch to snuggle with him and read my bible journal thingie. Then he fell asleep and it was the sweetest.
He wanted to play with the beans and rice while the big kids did their school work one morning.
Then in the afternoon we made signs for the teacher/staff parade the next day!
It was so fun, and they turned out so cute. Ruby wrote all of the big block letters! She did great.
Miles discovered that he likes to draw people and suns. And also octopuses (octopi? octopodes?).
Enchilada night!! Ruby was a big helper. We made 4 pans and froze 3 for later.
We walked out to the school street for the parade! The signs turned out so cute. Reid's said "Hi Mrs Doughty! I love you."
Here they come! Police escort and all. It was so fun to see all of them.
Our hamster had been hiding out a lot, so we were afraid he didn't like being in our busy living room. So I asked the breeder, and she said just dig him out and give him some treats. So we got a box ready, and now we get him out almost every evening for some play time. He's the sweetest little guy! We have had such trouble with the wheel though. It comes loose as he runs in the night and bangs, which wakes me up. But if I tighten it, he can't run on it. I emailed the manufacturer, and it seems to be defective. We bought it from the breeder though, so I just ordered a new one. It should come today, so hopefully all will be well!
Miles had been liking to play with his trains naked... but we had an incident so we no longer allow it.
My friend from MOPs delivered us some donuts on Thursday!! It was so sweet of her, and they were so yummy. The kids were just all yelling "Donuts! Donuts! Donuts!"
 Yogurt lips! The kids call these "kid yogurts" and get so excited when I buy them.
 This is the best game ever invented. It's a win-win.
 Reid has a 2-on-1 with Mrs. Doughty on Thursdays, and last week the other student didn't show up. The kids all loved talking to her for a while, it was pretty cute.
 Birthday morning!! He got to choose the meals for the day, and we ended up with mostly sugary choices. Waffles for breakfast, with a few presents to open.
 Then reading time with Dad.
 Then we all jumped in the car and went to Plumper Pumpkin Patch for a drive-through zoo safari! The line was SUPER long on the way in, it went all the way out and blocked the road! We listened to a lot of Jungle Jam while we waited.
 The baby goats were the cutest. 
 And they gave us some pumpkin donuts, which were so delicious.
 Reid got to drive for a bit through it!
 And Ruby got to sit on my lap. 
When we were done, we zoomed off to grab free lunch at the school (Reid's choice), and were the very last car to get it before they closed up. Whew!
 He got to open a few more presents after lunch. He got a lot of interactive/building toys! Which he just loves.
 I worked hard and made this fire truck cake for him. He had been asking for it for about 4 months. Hah! It turned out better than I thought it would!
 He just loved it.
 He got to eat the front, and made it about half way through. :) He didn't like the gummy candies though, they tasted kind of spicy I guess.
 Then after cake, we were treated to a magic show by the infamous Nohj and Eibed Giztew!
It was absolutely amazing. They are the best, and made a birthday party for Reid even though they couldn't come. <3 Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!
 In the afternoon Reid and Andy built this old tractor set. He's had it for a long time, but it can be built into three different things, so they changed it to a new one.
 Reid got this hamster wheel for Phoenix to run around in! It's super fun.
 He also got this super fun circuit board from Grandpa and Grandpa Pullen! It's really cool.
He fell asleep in the car, and we put him on the couch and he was zonked for a while.
 Our family has been playing this BattleFleet game for about 7 weeks over email/Google sheets. So we decided to do a Zoom call and finish it off! Cindy won!
He tried to put his shorts on. Hah!
 Saturday afternoon Reid and I built his new A-wing Lego ship.
 He LOVES it so much. He carried it round with him constantly for about 3 days.
 Saturday afternoon we got out and washed the cars. 
 The water made a stream that started heading down the street toward the grate.
 It was slow, and the kids followed it all the way down about 200 yards.
Finally made it! It was just so cute.
And then playing in the river.
 Helping rinse the car.
 Then they all sent me outside to sit in the sun and read one of my doula books (I'm done with 4/7!) while they worked on some Mother's Day surprises.
 Cutting flowers.
Such concentration.
 Then at bed time apparently Reid was trying to tickle Miles's face with his foot, and ended up kicking him and giving him a bloody nose! Poor guy. He was ok though and Reid felt bad. But honestly... why, Reid???!!!!
 Sunday morning we got up and did church! Miles got his instruments and sun glasses out for the singing.
Then after church Ruby made Ru Ru's Hair Salon in the bathroom.
 It was just so cute. She had it all set up with a stool, a welcome sign, her comb and water...
...and these drawings so you could pick your hair style. There was girls curly or straight, and boys curly or straight. 
 The cutest.
 Then I got my Mother's Day cards! They were so cute and said lots of things they all love about me.
After lunch I got to lay in my bed and got a foot massage from Ruby.
While Andy and Reid worked on cleaning the windows/mirrors and mopping.
And Miles sucked his toe.
And then I was resting and they all piled on me like usual.
 So Andy got this really cute picture. I sure love them a lot and am so glad I get to be their mommy.
 We had fancy dinner of grilled burgers and cauliflower. It was such a great day.
 Miles was looking for his pants in the clean laundry. Haha!
 The kids love to feed Phoenix spinach and lettuce through the cage.
 School time on Monday! Reid was supposed to draw a picture of something he would do to help someone else and he came up with this. He said that if someone had books fall on them and got stuck under them, that he would help pick them up so they could get out. Hah!
 They were roofing a house down the street, so of course we had to go watch.

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