It's been a good week. The kids have not gotten sick in the last few weeks. Yay!! I started them on Vitamin D drops, and I really think that has helped boost their immunities. We just don't get a lot of sun here in the winter. Andy and I take them too, and we've all been well even with exposure to colds a few times.
I sure love our kids a lot. We have been having a lot of fun playing, going outside, cooking, and even cleaning together. Ruby has gotten really good at helping clean up her toys, especially when I tell her that she won't get to play with them tomorrow if she doesn't help. :)
Reid has been so frustrated that he can't crawl yet. He can reach really far sitting, and then he goes to his tummy and just fusses because he can't go forward. Andy's been trying to teach him how. He'll get it soon I'm sure. He's also been teething more molars like crazy and is in major pain. Poor little guy. He had a few nights of really good sleep, like only waking up twice the whole night, but has since gone back to waking up a lot because of his pain. We've tried a couple of new foods this week, like plain yogurt and even a little bite of mashed potatoes. He still likes his green beans the very best.
Reading a story with a flash light. She loves those.
Cutie in the morning.
With Mama.
Her horses were hungry so we got them some grass. She set them up.
Climbing at the park! We went on a lot of walks this week.
Helping Mommy get the diapers out of the dryer.
Playing together in the laundry.
She found our old garage sale sign, and then came in and kept announcing, "The yard sale starts in three minutes."
Ms. Long Arms
He's just so cute when he's asleep.
Getting ready to crawl!
She went outside to play with Daddy and this was her outfit... Hilarious.
Playing blocks.
We are missing Uncle David a lot. This is a picture of him with me when I was a baby. Our lives will be a bit emptier without him here.
On Saturday we went to the park after nap. It was chilly, but nice and sunny.
She loves the slides.
So fun!
Bath night! They love taking baths together. Reid just splashes and splashes.
Sunday morning this guy got up so early! Like 5am. He did that this morning too. Ug. So we usually get up and go to the kitchen so we don't wake Ruby up, and I make coffee and empty the dishwasher and stuff. Gotta make the best of it.
Dressing up her brother.
Another sleeping photo. I can't help it! His big lips are the best.
Playing legos together.
Fun with Mommy.
Train time. Reid likes to wreck our tracks.
She likes reading while she goes potty.
Stories at bedtime.
Sometimes he plays in his high chair while I shower.
Her cute braid. She loves serving everybody's cereal.
After nap one day he was fascinated with the blinds and played with them for at least 10 minutes.
Playing together in the laundry basket.
So fun!
Organizing one of her memory games. Tada!
Another bath night. We all got bubble beards.
She helped me make banana bread yesterday. She's getting really good at cooking!
Helping me make the bed.
Daddy built them a fort.
Cute, soft baby buns.
She's so pretty.
I drew this ice cream cone, and apparently she thought it needed some ears. They're pretty good ears too!
We went to Thumping' Thursday today. It's usually right during Reid's nap, but since he got up so early today, he napped early too. Aides was there, and he and Ruby had so much fun together.
Best buddies.
Reid had fun with the shaker eggs.
37 months old! Last night we were laughing at the word "popticle" instead of "popsicle." I told Ruby to laugh for her photo this morning, and she said, "popticle" and then laughed really hard.
He's been drooling non-stop. I think he soaked through at least 5 bibs and his shirt both yesterday and today.
We made popsicles yesterday, and Ruby wanted to get one. So she got a chair...
...pushed it to the freezer, opened the freezer...
...and got out her popsicle. She's so resourceful.
Helping Mommy make kale chips for dinner. This week I finally figured out a way that she will eat broccoli... roasted! It was so delicious, Andy and I both saved our last bite. :)
You have a good little helper there!! Happy 37 months to Ruby!! Reid is so cute, glad they are such good friends. Can't wait to see all of you, even in a sad time.