Saturday, April 18, 2020

Fun at the Children's Museum

For the week of 2/18-2/24

We met Frances and Uncle Daniel at the Children's Museum when the kids didn't have school on Tuesday. It was soooooo fun!!
Brushing the crocodile's teeth.
 My little digger.
 So cute.
 She would make a great veterinarian.
 Playing "grocery store."
 This ball vacuum thing is one of Reid's favorite.
 Cute little flapper! She loves the dress up area.
 Following in Grandpa's footsteps.
 Train time! This table is so fun.
 Then we made it over to the clay area...
 They were all so cute.
 Rolling and rolling.
 And then there's Reid... it took a lot of washing to get all of it off. Hahaha!
 The water is our favorite! We always go there last though, just in case we get soaked.
 Rerouting the water is so fun.
 Miles and Frances are so cute.
And then Miles did this... Hahahaha!!
 It was a constant mud pit outside and still pretty cold. But we got out there and had fun anyway.
 More fort building!
 On Thursday it was nice and sunny, so Miles and I walked over to pick up the big kids from school, and then stopped at the park.
 Some of Ruby's friends were there too, which was fun.
 Poor Reid gets these really chapped cheeks in the winter. He doesn't like when I put stuff on them though, so I have to do it while he sleeps.
 Reid tried to teach Miles how to play tic-tac-toe.
 Miles got this weird little rash on his nose, so I took him to the doctor. She's just not sure what it is, and he still has it. So weird. But this is what he always does to the exam table, it's his "tractor." Haha!
 We did a Field Agent study and compared the Burger King new Impossible Burger with a regular one. It was silly and fun. I liked the regular one better, but the other one wasn't too bad.
 Ruby and her teacher, Mrs. Wick, matched!
 Morning play time, they love playing with water.
 He has been so rough with naps lately. He won't go to sleep at nap time sometimes, but then he falls asleep in the late afternoon. It's frustrating, but also cute.
 We met our friends Gary and Julie from Stayton at the Cheesecake Factory for some dessert!
 The kids loved it.
 And it was fun to catch up.
 Bible reading at dinner.
 Silly Miles...
 He loves Dino.
 Miles and Juniper had a play date, it was just the cutest thing!
 They were playing "King and servant."
 They love to play with the bunny family.
 Ruby and Reid made a jewelry shop.
It was so cute! Andy and I had to go in and buy jewelry.
They ranged from $.10 to $100. Hah! It was pretty funny.

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