Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine week 1

 For the week of 3/17-3/23

We officially entered the COVID quarantine this week. We're really trying to stay at home as much as possible. The first week was surprisingly great. Andy still went in to work for several days and the kids and I enjoyed the nice weather and played a lot. We did craft projects, exercise, a little school work... it was great. The school work things they gave us were just optional, and only suggestions. Much different than things are now. The kids actually got along really well for those first two weeks! There was hardly any fighting after Ruby finally stopped asking if she could play with friends. It was really lovely.
 We climbed our tree out front for a good long while! Reid got pretty high up in it.
 School time! Reid and Ruby both worked on writing while Miles colored.
 When Andy got home we walked over to explore the cemetery. We were all looking for our birth date on the grave stones. Only Andy and I found ours, which made the kids a little sad. It was super interesting to look at all of the graves dating back to the 1800's.
 We did some kid workouts mixed in with workouts for me.
 They built a food fort!
 Lego pirate ship time!
 The kids put the chairs and table in the play house. Hah!
 We were going to do this science experiment for the Science Fair, but it was cancelled. So we did it anyway! We compared the different ways of washing your hands.
 And rubbed our hands on agar in petri dishes.
 We got them good and dirty, then all touched one dirty plate. Then we cleaned them for 5 sec with just water, 20 sec with just water, 5 sec with water and soap, 20 sec with water and soap, and hand sanitizer. Then we set them in the oven with the pilot light on to grow the bacteria for a few days.
Getting some exercise while Daddy mows the lawn. The trampoline belongs to the neighbors, so it's off limits now. :(
 I've been growing lots of new flowers and vegetables for my garden this year!
 Andy and the boys put up a trellis for me to grow my sweet peas. Miles was trying to hammer in the staples with his baseball bat. Hah!
 Ruby and I played Garbage and TIED!
 The neighbors got this doggy, and he is super nice. The kids love to throw pinecones for him. His name is Cam.
 And the results are in! The 20 sec with soap and water was most effective, followed by 20 sec with just water, hand sanitizer, 5 sec with water and soap, and 5 sec with just water. Super interesting.
 My friend has a friend who is a pediatrician and they ran out of masks. So I sewed some to send over to them. We're trying to do what we can to help.
 We all piled in the car to go get Andy's desk and big screen...
...so he could set up his home office in our bedroom. It actually works pretty well for us. 
The Hart family dropped off a bag of quarantine goodies including this puzzle!
 We let Ruby stay up later on Saturday night and played Forbidden Island. We won!
 Sunday morning church.
 I tried making cloud play dough with shaving cream and corn starch, but it really didn't turn out very well. It was fun for a little while though. We'll just stick to regular play dough and gluey kabluey.
 I taped this off for the kids to color some stained glass.
 It turned out so pretty! It was on the fence for weeks, until Reid sprayed it off a few days ago.
 When Andy's done working he gets out and plays with the kids, which is helpful.
 Our home community has turned to Zoom meetings once a week. It's so nice to stay connected. We've gotten really close to all of these people and I love it. I shared my sourdough starter with 4 of them and 2 other friends!
 Monday morning school time! It was officially Spring Break, but we did a little bit of school anyway. He made all kinds of words that rhyme with "at."
 The kids have a math program called Dreambox that they get to do every day.
 They were playing that the tray was a saw and they were cutting down a tree. Hahaha!! TIMBER!
Our caterpillars grew so fast!

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