Yay for getting to 12 weeks! We've been sharing our news with everyone this week, although I'm not going to post it to Facebook until we hear the heartbeat again this Wednesday. Then it will really be public information. Everyone's been really excited for us. I've had several people say they thought I was pregnant but didn't want to ask. I'm showing that much already. Hah.
The baby's about the size of a lime now, which is fun. On Wednesday we went to OMSI and saw the baby display. It was cool to see how big he/she is right now. We've been trying to think of good names that we like. So far we've got nothing for a boy. We don't really like traditional names, but we also don't like the modern names (eg. Hayden, Braden, Jaden, etc.). We still have lots of time though, so hopefully we'll find one we like.
On Wednesday I was not feeling to well in the evening, probably because of OMSI all morning and I didn't really get a nap. So I went to sleep at 8:15 and woke up at 7. I was awake for a bit in the night, so I think I got about 10 hours of sleep and still took a nap the next day. I guess it was needed!
Changes this week: I'm still really tired, but my sickness is almost totally gone. I sometimes am not too hungry at dinner. I'm still wearing normal clothes and can button my jeans. I'll probably need my bella band soon though. My sense of smell has been heightened too. Someone behind me at church this morning had not good breath... Yuck.
Cravings this week: Sourdough bread and milk. Oh, and dark chocolate, not too sweet.
Link to Ruby's 12 week post
Link to Ruby's 12 week post