It's been a fun week. Ruby has learned a lot of new things. On Thursday she learned how to stand up in the middle of the floor by herself. She also learned how to say "ball," "eyes," "mouth," and several other words. She has started trying to brush her hair when she's playing with her brush or comb too. And now she hugs her dolly and her teddy bears. She remembers things too. And she loves to dance when the music comes on!
Here she is in down dog about to stand up.
She stayed like this for a while :)
Hanging out at our friends' house.
She's been doing this on the chair and coffee table. It's silly.
"Here you go Mama."
Getting sleepy.
Playing with her Lamby.
Sharing Mommy's green smoothie. She loved it!
Playing in her leggings.
Silly girl.
Dress up.
Pig tails
Standing up by herself!
She is learning at an increased pace!! Wow, so fun!! Keep the pictures coming! Can't wait to see her! And her parents too! Love you all!