Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Quarantine week 3: Baking and school

For the week of 3/30-4/6

This is the week that started getting rough. The weather went from mostly sunny to mostly rainy. Ruby had a cough for three weeks that started right when she got out of school, then I started getting in this week and still have it a little bit a month later! The kids also started having to do a lot of school work. So it has been a little rough running between the two big kids to keep school on track, and having poor Miles running around trying to keep himself occupied. Meanwhile, Andy was working, working, working trying to get everything running smoothly for the Sunday services (8 of them!!), and websites. It was a little chaotic to say the least.
But we did have time to make sourdough english muffin breakfast sandwiches. Yum!!
I started back at teaching with the time change at the beginning of March, but I quickly realized that wasn't feasible with having the kids at home all the time. So I was just teaching on Mondays for a few weeks. One morning while teaching, I heard a little scuffle in the middle of my class. When my classes were done and I was leaving feedback, I heard a huge scuffle and screamed! There was this cute little mouse living in the garage. We trapped it and let it go in a nearby field.
Ruby is so strong! She turned her bed around all by herself, and then they played that they were driving a bus.
Family walk on a rare sunny afternoon.
Ruby made a ramp for science one day.
Our caterpillars all turned into chrysalides. Unfortunately some of them didn't attach to the tops. And three of them ended up not making it. :(
Ruby and I have been reading the Ramona books. Ramona squeezed out an entire tube of toothpaste in one of them, and Ruby kept asking and asking if she could do it. So I finally said she could squeeze out one of the little tubes we get from the dentist. She was elated!
Reid writing a story, and Miles being super bored. Haha
The kids made this fun train tunnel!
Reid had these two very loose teeth for about a month.
Miles has been refusing to nap at nap time lately. He just gets super hyper. But one day he fell asleep on the couch later, and then walked back to his bedroom and laid on Reid's bed like this. Hah!
One of our home community friends had a birthday, so we did a drive-by birthday party!
Our three cuties.
They love each other.
We decided to make fresh pasta! It was really fun and the kids loved it.
It was soooooooo delicious!!
He's such a little naughty cutie.
Andy hard at work on Sunday morning.
Entertaining them selves with my pans.
Del and Patty came for a little front yard visit.
Reid's morning zoom class with Mrs. Doughty. He has 9am Zoom calls Monday through Thursday, and two reading groups, plus a one-on-one.
Ruby doing a research project about bottlenose dolphins.
They both have about 3 hours of school work each day. We try to stick to a schedule for it. We get up, eat breakfast, get dressed, then do school from about 7:30-10:30. Then we're done for the day or have one or two more things to do later. It works out ok, they really like getting it all out of the way and being able to play the rest of the day. Or maybe I like it. :)
We got a kids recipe thingie and made Swedish Cinnamon Knots! Ruby headed up the recipe.
But we all had fun.
Twisting the knots.
Our flower and veggie garden is thriving! And Reid and I are especially loving it. He helps plant everything.
Cinnamon knots resting for the morning.
They were delicious!
PE done for the day.
Train time in the afternoon!
I gave Miles something to color... and this happened. This is why we always buy washable markers. Haha!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quarantine week 2: Official Spring Break

 For the week of 2/24-2/30

Our 2nd quarantine week was also really good! The kids got along and we did a lot of fun, creative things at home. The weather was still decently nice so we played outside and went on walks. 
 Our neighbors put a line of toys down the center of the yard so we wouldn't cross it. Hah! Actually this has been a really hard part about the quarantine. Ruby and Reid are good about staying in our side of the yard, but Miles is definitely not. That makes it hard to let them play outside without constant supervision. :(
 We made pretty construction paper flowers to brighten up our window.
 Andy had Miles ride on a roller coaster. Hah!
 I made sewing cards for the kids! That was fun for about 10 minutes. :)
 Ruby and Reid dragged Reid's bed out and set it all up. They are so silly.
New magazines! 
 I made my first real sourdough loaf, and let me tell you... it was amazingly delicious!
 Going out to get the mail. It was still pretty chilly outside in late March.
 They got comfy places all set up.
 Ruby's message to me. <3
 On Friday Andy finally took some time off of work (he literally worked about 14 days in a row!), so we deep cleaned the house.
 Everything was all spick and span! That was short lived though, of course, because we're all always home...
 They really played together so nicely those first two weeks. 
 He was still napping back then... he has since started refusing to nap.
 Watercolor time! Here's where the kids set everything to dry.
 I made a new chore chart for meals, each kid helps twice a day with set up or clean up. It was Ruby's day to help with breakfast.
 Reid's turn to help with lunch.
 And then there's Miles... Haha!
 Our caterpillars started to turn into their chrysalides! It was fun to watch. A few did it down on the ground though, which was sad. Some of them didn't end up surviving. :(
 The boys put on Ruby's clip on earrings. Hah!
 Ruby and I did each other's makeup. :)
 We made a fun little village for the little trains, and the kids had a blast playing with them all day!
 And playing beans and rice. That doesn't last long though, before it starts to be a huge mess.
 "Helping" Daddy with work.
Reid's block tower.
 We made a fort to watch church on Sunday.
And I headed to Costco on Monday, mask and all. I got groceries for all of the Pullens too, so I spent the day delivering it all.
 And I made extra sourdough starter to share with 6 friends!
 She dragged out her chair to watch a show. :)
 And then she decided to organize our art drawer! She pulled it all out, got rid of a bunch, and put the rest back in. :)
The hair length is getting real long...

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...