Sunday, June 26, 2016


This week we were able to get out and have some fun. The weather was still kind of crummy, but we enjoyed it anyway! Both kids have been so funny lately. I love hearing Reid talk, he says long sentences now and it's so cute. He's great at saying his "L's," but not his "R's" yet. And he knows his full name, "Weidsy Andwew Pullen." Both kids regularly say, "Mom, I love you." <3

I tried to cut out some pictures for the week because I've been posting soooo many, but they're all cute so I couldn't cut out much! These two are pretty special kids.
 Cutie pie with some sunglasses.
 We put "sleep cream" on their feet at night. It's essential oils in coconut oil. It helps when they just don't want to go to sleep (which is most of the time!). When they get good naps, they stay up late even though we put them to bed between 8 and 8:30. It's tough to know if we should start skipping naps for Ruby.
 First time wearing a backpack!
 He's still rear facing because it's WAY safer, and he loves it!
 I took the kids to OMSI on Friday because I didn't have Penelope that day. We had a blast! Reid loves the air station.
 And they both love the water!
 I always bring a change of clothes for both of them, in spite of the fact that they wear smocks while playing in the water. They get soaked.
 Trying on some of Ruby's shoes.
 Family walk! We did "follow the leader" down the street.
 My little Sweet Pea with some sweet peas. We have a ton growing down the street, and they are some of my favorite flowers.
 We helped Grandpa Del and Grandma Patty with their new house on Saturday! The just got the keys, so we did some cleaning and fixing. The kids did great. They played in the back yard, ran around the empty bedroom, and read books. Ruby helped Grandma organize the spices and dust the book shelves too.
 I taught Ruby how to peel carrots. She had fun! She loves helping me cook.
 Happy Father's Day Andy! We had a really fun day playing together. Reid woke up with a cough, so we couldn't go to church though. :(
 Silly boy.
 We went down to the south water front and walked around. It was a lovely morning!
 In the afternoon, Aunt Becca came and put Reid down for his nap, and Ruby and I took Andy to see Finding Dory. It was great!
 He could play in the dirt for hours.
 We made blackberry turnovers to celebrate Andy. Oh, and fish tacos. Yum!
Then Andy and the kids built a fort!
 They love when Daddy reads them stories.
 Penelope is getting good at sitting up!
 Ruby was so excited that she got her dart to stick to her water bottle. Hah!
 He can open the refrigerator now... I made some healthy brownies, and he was trying to get into them this afternoon.
 Rocking this guy to sleep. <3
 I mixed cornstarch and water for the kids to play with. Ruby LOVED it and literally played for three hours! She calls it "Gluey Kabluey."
 It made a huge mess, but it cleans up really easily! If it's dried you can just scrape it off, and if it's wet, it washes right off with water! It's the best stuff. It's solid if you hold it, but then turns liquid and drips out of your hands.
 She has been sleeping in lately, or at least trying to! So opposite of Reid... he has been waking up at 5:30 or earlier some days. I can get him back to sleep sometimes, but then I'm usually awake and can't go back to sleep. It's no fun.
We found a worm, and Ruby named him Stig. But then he got played with a little too much and died. :(
 He did this all by himself. Hah!
 Ruby and I have been coloring these fun pages! I get them for free on the internet and print them, which is the best. She's pretty good!
 On Thursday I braved the rain and headed out to see Reptile Man with all three kids. We had a blanket and umbrellas, and thankfully it wasn't raining too hard. I had the stroller, and Penelope napped in the Ergo for a while.
 Ruby made a little friend, as usual.
 He had all kinds of reptiles! Snakes, lizards, a tortoise, and an alligator. We saw him in Stayton last year too.
 The kids got to pet the boa constrictor.
 Reid didn't want to stop!

It was a little rough going home, both Reid and Penelope were crying when we got home. I finally rocked both of them for a while and got them to calm down. Poor babies.
 We made a fort on the table in the afternoon.
 In our fort!
Ruby brought pillows and blankets, and we all pretended we were camping and went to sleep. <3

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Owies, tea parties, and adventures

The kids have been going a little stir crazy around here lately. It's hard to get out of the house when we have Penelope, but when it's raining outside most days, they can't even go in the back yard. But we're surviving. :) Trying to be creative and think of fun stuff to do inside.

Reid caught another little cold today, but I think it's only a little cough and stuffy nose. Hopefully it won't spread to the rest of us. He has been sooooo funny to talk to. He says so much, and the way he says certain words is hilarious. I try to get lots of videos so we can look back and laugh. 

Ru has been having potty regression, again. I have no idea why going potty is so hard for her. Poor girl. I know some day she'll figure it out, but for now, it's just frustrating for all of us. She has been so fun, though, and loves to play games with all of us, and also to play "family" (like "house").
 I will often times let them watch a little show after nap. They are particularly cute. They love their milk.
 Bringing sister her snack. He was going really slow so he wouldn't spill.
 Reid got a huge owie on his head, right before bed time, when he apparently fell off of the couch arm and hit the back of his head on the fireplace rocks. It was gushing blood, but we got it to stop pretty quickly. Poor guy. I'm just glad he was okay and we didn't have to take him to the ER. 
 Afterward he just wanted to sit and hold our hands. So we watched a little Star Wars.
 They love to read!
 Her clump-o-lump was eating pizza! Hahaha
 Penelope was sleeping, so we had a fun tea party.
 Everyone had tea cups, lots of food, and we had a blast.
 Then apparently they all got tired, so Ruby put them all to bed.
 Reid washed the dishes. They love their play kitchen.
 I printed off some free coloring pages. Reid colored all of their eyes purple.
 Ruby's getting pretty good at coloring! They both love it.
 Penelope naps in this, so Ruby wanted to try it out on Alicia.
 Reading at bed time.
 Reid had a really hard night and was crying and crying. So we finally let him come and cuddle, and we watched the Giants game together. He fell asleep pretty quickly. We don't do that often, but he just needed to snuggle with mommy. I love him.
On Saturday we packed up our chairs and snacks, and headed across the river to the Rose Festival Parade. 
 We had a blast!
 There were tons of horses, clowns, bands, and fun floats.
 Silly Andy. We share our shakes every morning, and they are delicious.
 And silly Reid. He came in from outside just like this. I think Ruby may have helped.
 She was playing "jail" with the boxes and cans in our book shelf pantry. Who needs fancy toys??!!
 We love to play at this school play ground while we wait for the shuttle bus at church.
 Del and Patty were here, and Reid had so much fun just running around Grandpa.
 Ruby wanted to go fishing for Josefina.
 They both love to wear my pumps.
 On Monday Penelope was sick, so we took an impromptu MAX ride downtown and went to a toy store, just for fun.
 Reid loved the "blue train."
 And he wouldn't put these things down.
 We played for a long time, which was so fun.
 The kids both got balloons. Ruby played with hers while we waited (a long time!) for the MAX on the way home.
 Staring out the window while we were going beneath Washington Park.
 We taught the kids Musical Chairs, but with pillows. When I got out on the first round, Ruby was sad that there weren't enough pillows for all of us, so she went and got me an extra one. She's so sweet. So we just played with 4 pillows and kept going. :)
 He likes to copy me and Ruby. Silly guy!
 They made a little cave behind the rocking chair.
 Apparently Reid was sick and Ruby was the doctor.
 Morning snuggle time. He loves coming in our bed in the mornings.
I made these yummy healthy chocolate chip cookies, and Ruby just kept taking out all of the chocolate chips to save for later. Haha!

Family photos

For the week of August 18-24 Boy, with buying a house and moving and starting the kids' online school and starting my doula mentorship a...