Sunday, January 21, 2018

37 weeks: Adventuring

I love these kids of ours so much. We've definitely been having a hard time with both of the older ones at various times (with fighting with each other, obeying, etc.), but on the whole they are such great kids. I wouldn't trade them for anything. <3

Miles is drooling less because he's currently not getting any new teeth. So that has been nice. He's starting to figure out crawling. It's so cute to watch, but still makes me nervous because of all of the non baby friendly things that get left on the floor. I have to watch him like a hawk.

Reid has had a cough for a long time and has been kind of pale and tired. So I took him in to the doctor for a follow up from a previous appointment this week.

Ruby has finally stopped chewing her nails, I think! Thanks to some bitter tasting stuff I got to paint on her fingernails. We've been getting sick less too, so I'm hoping this helps for the long run. Germs on fingers and then straight into her mouth wasn't good.
 This is how our mornings go. Andy brings me coffee and the kids and I snuggle in bed for a while (or jump around like crazy).
 Last Sunday Reid was attacked by another little guy with impulse control issues. :( He got his face all scratched up. He was fine though, aside from bleeding a little and some scabs. Poor guy is so sweet. Apparently he didn't even cry.
 My sweet Peach. We like to match our clothes, hair styles, etc. Then when we do, she goes up to Andy and says, "Can you even tell us apart?"
 They love to sit by each other in the cart at Costco.
 Me and my cute little Bug.
 He made himself a necklace.
 We like to do "preschool" with books while Ruby is at school.
 They also love to make crafts, which definitely includes cutting up cardboard boxes.
 We ran outside to see the beautiful sunset. We love Oregon.
 Playing peek-a-boo.
 Silly Daddy!
 He scooted down the hall to see what was going on.
 I was getting the big kids to bed and Miles was ready to go to sleep too. 
That drool on his bottom lip reminds me of Randy when he was a baby. :)
Sweet sleeping guy.
 Poor Reid... Miles loves playing with him, but then he destroys everything.
 The process of how Miles sits up.
 We made an octopus-like train. Well, maybe a hectopus?
 He got stuck in the walker. All I heard was "Mom! I need help!" Haha!!
 They love doing this a lot.
 And she loves reading to him. 
 He's so curious, like Ruby was as a baby too.
 Playing Duplos!
 Reid has gotten really motivated to do chores. He gets money for every one he does, and he really wants to save up for a new grabber. How cute is that?
 We sat down for an after school snack and they both came over to the end to sit by me.
 I went in after we put them to bed and found this. <3
 At the follow up appointment with Reid, the doctor decided to do a chest x-ray and a blood test just to make sure he's okay. His x-ray was totally fine, but I didn't hear about his blood test for a few days. When we finally heard back, they said all of the counts were normal, but some white blood cells looked like he had a severe infection. It was weird, and he seems fine. Maybe a contaminated sample?
 These are my favorite pictures.
 I love this little guy.
 She made this helicopter/crane thing.
 And then tried on Miles's sweat shirt! Hahaha!
 He's pulling himself up! Mostly just on the dishwasher. So many fun things to look at on that door.
 He wasn't terribly interested in solid food, but then I started feeding him three meals a day instead of one or two. And now he loves it! We started doing baby led weaning, but it freaked us out when he started to choke on things. So we went back with purees. His favorites are pears and butternut squash.
 The weather was gorgeous so we went to the school to ride scooters for a while.
 We all had fun!
 Nerds! Checking out a Star Wars book. We LOVE the library and all they have to offer.
 Story time on the floor. They love when we read them books.
 The boys got a hair cut after church. So handsome!!
 We met the Pullens all at Safari Sam's to play since they're closing soon. The kids loved it! That's Reid up there playing on the jungle gym.
 Ruby and Charlotte had a ton of fun climbing around.
 Then we went to Patty and Del's house for dinner, which we got locked out of, so we played at their community center for a while. Miles was crawling around which is so fun!
 Ruby didn't have school on MLK day so we headed out to the zoo. It was pretty cold, so we all bundled up and stayed warm enough.
 Isn't she the cutest?! She didn't like just her hat on because it was itchy, so we put it over her sweatshirt hood.
 Little Miles just sucked on his glove for most of the zoo, and then fell asleep. :) Such a sweet baby.

Reid and the monkeys!

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