Wednesday, March 27, 2019

St. Patty's Day

We had a fun week! The weather was amazing and the kids were/are healthy. Yay! 

 We've been out and enjoying the back yard! Miles LOVES it. Oh, and he figured out how to go out the back door... no stopping this boy.
 Morning breakfast prep helpers.
 I had to go to Urgent care for my weird medical issues I've been having, and I had to take the boys with me. They did great though! Even when I held Miles while getting an ultrasound on my leg to check for a blood clot. Haha I didn't have one, by the way. Whew!
 Reid has been way into building vehicles with his Legos.
 Choosing what kind of ice cream they should make for Reid's birthday.
 Reid got this weird terrible rash on his cheeks, which turned out to be dermatitis... so he's on hydrocortisone to try to clear it up. It's caused by the dry weather and he keeps licking his lips and wiping his mouth... Hopefully it will clear up soon.
 FaceTime with Grandma Patty. Haha!
 I love it when they play nicely together! They played cars for a long time.
 The boys and I took a walk to the park, the day was beautiful! Miles wanted to get up on the monkey bars.
 And he loved swinging.
 Reid loves playing Pirates at any park.
 Miles does this almost daily... and Reid can't pass up a box to make into a "transporter airplane."
 Miles loves crawling under Reid's bed for some reason.
 His legs stuck through the slats. Haha! He was playing the auto songs and kicking his legs.
 Helping me dust... with his foot!
 We busted out paper to make a map for the cars and horses.
 Andy and the kids built this cute fort.
 My three sweeties. <3
 We were playing restaurant. Ruby wrote the first two things, and Reid wrote the last one! I helped him spell "bread pudding." He's doing good writing his letters!
 And another epic train track.
 The kids were legit watching the tv in the neighbor's house. Hahaha!
 St. Patrick's Day morning we had green eggs!
 I puree spinach into them and the kids love it.
 Miles kept asking to smell the flowers.
 Ruby was trying to get Miles dressed on Sunday morning to help me out, and he laid in this box. Haha!
 Ruby helped me out in Miles's nursery class at church. Miles loves the bubbles! He's almost ready to move on to the 2's class.
 Reid had his Star of the Week coming up at Preschool! We printed off a bunch of pictures of him and he got to choose which ones to put on his poster.
 Then we worked hard and made this very cute poster for him.
 And, of course, these delicious mini cupcakes!
 All ready to do Star of the Week at school! His favorite picture was Man Baby (second row, second from the left).
 I took him to the doctor on Monday for his rash. He was so cute and wanted to color while we were there.
Bath Bunny!

1 comment:

  1. I got far behind in looking at these very cute pictures!!! Love them all!


Family photos

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