Wednesday, September 7, 2011

20 Weeks


Half way there!! It really does take a long time to grow a baby. I can’t wait until we get to see our little guy/girl in person.

We had our 20 week midwife appointment this morning. Everything’s looking great! The baby had a strong heartbeat (154bpm) and is measuring a bit ahead. I think we just have a large baby in there. On Saturday we went to the state fair, and there was a pro life booth there. They had little rubber babies at different stages, and it was pretty cool to see how big ours is at 20 weeks. It’s still pretty tiny! It’s about 10 ½ oz and 6 ½” from crown to rump, 10” from head to foot. About the size of a small cantaloupe, and I’m certainly feeling like there’s a cantaloupe in there.

I’m feeling pretty good now. I got lots of rest over labor day weekend, so I was able to start the work week refreshed. But now I’m tired again… I feel like I’ll never stay caught up on sleep. It doesn’t help that I was awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night for no good reason. Oh well. The baby’s moving around a lot now, and that’s pretty fun to feel. Andy just felt it move for the first time tonight! We could hear it moving around on the Doppler at the midwife’s office. That was neat.

Changes this week: I think I’ve had to start eating less at meals because I get full quickly. But then it digests fast and I get hungry again. I’m tired, not sleeping well, etc. But over all I feel good. Excited to be growing a healthy baby.

Cravings this week: Nothing specific, except for blackberry pie which I made on Monday. Mmmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. When I was pregnant with Randy, (the only pregnancy I had ultrasounds with), I always measured ahead. In fact, I measured 3 weeks ahead and they wanted to change my due date but I told them I was sure about when I got pregnant and sure enough, I even went 8 days over MY due date.

    Try eating less more often?
    Praying for you!
    ILY.... MOM


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