Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ruby starts 1st Grade

For the week of 8/21-8/27 
Our big girl started 1st Grade! She was so excited to go back to school to see all of her friends. She got Mrs. Marlia for her teacher and has lots of friends in her class this year. We had a very fun last week of summer and went swimming the Saturday before school started.
 Ru and Reid wanted their toenails painted. Ruby got shades of pink/red, and Reid got rainbow toes.
 Miles loves to climb on the bathroom stool and get into the drawer.
 Ruby had her Back to School Night, so we all walked over there to meet her teacher and have a picnic.
 She wanted to get all dressed up for it.
 He loves yogurt and especially loves berries!
 Gluey Kabluey, their favorite! It lends itself to hours of fun and is remarkably easy to clean up.
 Helping baby brother brush his teeth.
 Somebody is ready for a nap...
 And somebody else made a big mess...
 Eir datch!
 We went down to the Conestoga pool on Saturday morning and we had SO much fun. It was nice and warm, and the kids had a blast!
 Miles loves the water.
 Ruby went down the waterslide a ton of times! Andy got Reid to go down it with him and he loved it too, and I took Miles down several times. It was the best day.
 Then Ruby planned dinner and we made pizza.
 The boys love to play with their tools and trucks.
 Cereal Sunday!
 Blanket fort time.
 We went on a nice bike ride/walk up in the neighborhood north of us.
 They have a fun park.
 The kids always want me to take photos with this sign for some reason. Haha
 Ruby's block tower while the boys rested/napped.
 And Ruby's first day of school! She was pretty excited. We all walked her over to school.
 With the school sign.
 With her teacher, Mrs. Marlia.
 And we left her with a group of girls all ready to play. :) She had a great first day!
 Meanwhile... I bottled my first batch of Kombucha. I made raspberry lemon ginger, and it was delicious.

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