Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Day at the Water Park PLUS Miles gets the pukies

The kids finished their swimming lessons! They both made a lot of progress this year and had a lot of fun. We had a BLAST at the Wings and Waves water park on Saturday. The kids all loved it so much! Then we went down to Stayton for church on Sunday to see our old friends, and then Miles got sick on Monday...
Playing around... Hah!
He keeps taking off his pants before going to sleep. He was also taking off his sleep sack so we just stopped putting it on.
Reading stories to baby brother.
Waking up big sister.
We went to a school to play at the park and have lunch after swimming lessons.
Miles kept running and running on this bridge.
He always picks up trash at parks and throws it away.
The girls made some stew. Miles has been loving the play house lately and always makes me soup or something.
He is such a busy guy, he loves watching the washer fill with water, and dances when it starts agitating.
Ruby doing some steamboats and Reid attempting to put his head under. He didn't quite get there. Ruby was trying the crawl stroke by the end of the week!
Keeping Miles occupied.
Train time!
Reid had an audiology appointment which they require before speech therapy. His hearing is excellent and he had fun pushing the button and watching the different things activate. We started speech therapy for him this past Wednesday. He has trouble mostly with "r," "th," and "s/z."
Ruby put a bunch of her clothes in a laundry basket to play "house."
We made popcorn one evening and Reid wanted to make a camp fire. The weather has been cool and cloudy, so we haven't gotten to do as much outside stuff as we would have liked so far.
Ruby made a packet of things from her baby/toddlerhood so I can always remember her. <3
I took the kids to a Lego building thing the library was putting on.
Miles got a little bored... we went to the toy store instead!
Ruby and Reid each got to pick out a prize for doing such a good job at swimming lessons. Ruby picked a cute romper (which she then wore for 3 days in a row) and Reid picked this Lego set.
We've been working on blankets and pillows for Samantha and Hopper. Ruby was a little nervous about using the sewing machine!
They tore down a house across the street and it has been so fun to go over and explore the tractors!
They're leveling the whole 1 acre lot, it's quite a project.
They love to warm up in the showers after swimming.
Another free school lunch. :)
We went on a walk, these guys are so precious.
Wings and Waves!! I really didn't get many photos, we were way too busy having fun. Ruby went on several of the big slides with Andy and I, including one called Nose Dive. It dove down in the dark and into this giant bowl. Yikes! We had so much fun though.
They all three loved the wave pool and we spent lots of time there.
It was quite loud in there. There was a huge bucket that would dump on the kids area and both boys kept their ears covered because of the noise.
Cutie. The water and air temperatures were just about the same, so we didn't get cold during the 4 hours we spent there.
We tried and tried to convince Reid to try a waterslide, but he would only go on the tiny baby ones. Finally right before we left we told him he really should try one. I had to help him to down and let go of his hands... and he LOVED it! He went a bunch more times all in a row.
Andy even took Miles down.
The kids had fun connecting with old friends at Foothills. It was good to see everyone!
On Monday we went to a park to meet some friends for a play date.
Miles played and played, but then started feeling sick and threw up. :(
We had a dr appointment already set up because he has a weird rash on his arm, so I took all of the kids. His rash is a little better now.
Of course, he threw up in the car twice... and then napped on me in the afternoon. Thankfully it only lasted about 5 hours and then he started feeling getter and was hungry.
The boys got these play dough sets for a belated birthday present and they've all been having lots of fun!

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