Monday, July 15, 2019

The 4th of July

We had a fun week once we got back from our trip. On Tuesday and Wednesday we rested a bunch, Miles took 3 hour naps. Haha! And we did lots of playing around the house.
 Play dough time!
 He was unloading the dryer for me and was very proud of himself. He's really talking a ton now! It's so much fun.
 Trampoline time!
 I randomly found this little story Ruby wrote. 
"So you are thee won we need? 
Yes it's true... I am.
Seize her!
No! No! No! Wait!
I'm not looking to be captured... 
I'm just - just - just looking for my friend!"
 Then Thursday was the 4th of July! We don't really have many patriotic clothes so the kids wore white and I did Ruby's hair in RWB.
 We went down to Grandma Patty and Papa Del's house for breakfast and their neighborhood parade. Reid loved Papa's new recliner and remote! He didn't want to eat he was having so much fun playing with it.
 Then we decorated the kids bikes and went down to walk in the parade.
 It was advertised for 9am, but it didn't show up until 10:20!
 Reid was going to ride his big bike but it was a little much for him since we just took the training wheels off... so he settled for the trike. Hah!
 At least we had cousins to wait with. Penelope had a pretty sweet ride with music and everything.
 Our little fam. <3
 Then we went home for a nap, and then to our friends' house for a barbecue. The kids loved the little fireworks.
 At 10pm we got the strollers out and walked to the neighborhood behind our house for their fantastic fireworks show! There were tons of people there.
 They all had their jammies on. We let the big kids stay up the whole time, but we had put Miles to bed and got him up for it.
 He was so snuggly.
 And then when the fireworks started he was pretty scared for a little bit! But then he got brave and watched them. I covered his ears. We need to get some more noise cancelling head phones for him.
 We all loved it! It was all set to music and so fun.
 On Friday we went to the library and Reid was reading this huge book. So cute.
 I helped out for the last time in Reid's Sunday School class.
He's so fun.
 They have this picture of him up on the wall. Hah!
 I ran something out to the car when we were sitting down to dinner and came back in to no one around! They were all hiding in the laundry closet. :)
 Miles loves to help vacuum.
 And he loves his "Bunny and beaw."
 The big kids started swimming lessons on Monday! Reid is in Preschool level 1. He's still pretty cautious about getting his head wet.
 Ruby is in Elementary age level 1-2. She's starting out at level 1, we'll see if she passes to level 2 this year. She's having lots of fun.
 After swimming lessons we went to Elmonica school to play at the playground. It's fun to park/playground hop!
 Silly Miles.
 Ruby made a little friend named Maya.
 Then we got free lunch in their cafeteria.
They do free lunch for kids at different sites all over the city, which is great!

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