Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mom/Ruby trip

For the week of 10/15-10/21
Here's pics for way back in October!

In current news... Miles is sleeping terribly. He stays up late, wakes in the night, and then wakes up early, often going back to sleep in our bed. It's not my favorite, I've been so tired. He's also very cute and talking a TON, using big words and long sentences. I love it.

We got Ruby a big bed last weekend for her room, and Miles got her twin bed. No more cribs for us! We gave it to Joel and Dana to use for their new baby coming next month, so I'm excited about that.
Miles and I love to make trains while the big kids are at school.
Reid at his table at school.
Ruby and her reading buddy.
The boys made this fun tower!
Who's in there?
We got the kids' school pictures back.
They're so cute.
Andy got to come to Miles's last swimming lesson. <3 So I got to watch and take pictures.
They had so much fun!
Jump in time! He always would say "Small jump, not a big jump" meaning he didn't want to go under water. And we had to hang on to him when we put him up on the side, or he'd go running down the side of the pool. Silly boy.
Helping unpack the groceries...
Getting all ready for school! They're so big.
On Friday I went to school to help at the book fair.
I let both kids pick out a new book. :)
Then Andy, Miles, and I went on a Starbucks date.
I picked Ruby up early from school on Friday, and we drove down to Medford/Grenada for a girls weekend! First stop was Alera's birthday party at the Medford Family Fun Center. It was so fun!
Especially the go-karts.
Saturday morning we made bunches of pies.
Then the girls all headed down to Mt. Shasta for Ellie's bridal shower! Ruby, Lia, and Alera played outside for pretty much the whole time, even though it was pretty cold.
Ruby and the bride-to-be.
Meanwhile, back at home.....
Grandma gave Ruby this weaving loom and she made about 1,000 pot holders. Hah!
She and Grandpa made a corn maze!
Pretty girl ready to head back home. <3

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