Wednesday, May 2, 2018

52 weeks: HOT!

It got SO HOT this week! It felt like summer was here and we lived in shorts and swimmies for a few days. It's now back to cold and rainy, typical Oregon spring.

Miles has been sleeping so well. He typically wakes up at about 3 or 4am to nurse then right back to sleep. Some nights he has slept right through, but then wakes up super early (like 5am!). I totally don't mind feeding him once. His afternoon naps have gotten longer too, which is lovely.

Here are lots of snap shots from our week!
 My brother sent me a link to Commander Keen! The kids loved it when I showed them. What a great game.
 Art time! We drew dots on the page and Ruby connected them then painted them. Reid painted a road.
 Me and my baby. <3 I think we look alike.
 Making a "triple gun."
 Boys on their rides.
 We went for a walk in the lovely weather to the park. Miles sure loves to swing!
 Reid picked me some pretty flowers. He kept insisting on wearing long sleeves, pants, and a sweatshirt. He got a heat rash on his arms.
And he wanted to pose in front of the Terra Linda sign while we were picking something up at school. 
 Feels like summer!!!
 Poor Miles pulled a speaker over on himself. :(
 He loves to get into the kids' toys.
 The boys and I met our friends at a new park. Miles wasn't so sure about the astro turf!
 Reid had tons of fun with his friend William and even made friends with another boy. That's a first! He's usually pretty shy.
 Andy and I finished this fun puzzle. We love Disneyland.
 He wanted Alisha to help him eat his oatmeal.
 He has become a tummy sleeper. He usually nurses until he's really sleepy, then I lay him down and he rolls right over and goes to sleep. :)
 Morning jammies!
 This guy is a busy one, a lot like his big sister. It's stressful. Hahaha
 Fishing out in the back yard in the rain.
 Andy was spinning him around until they all got super dizzy!
 "My mother made this for me! It is fantastice! I love it! my mom Is amazing! and funny! and silly! and goofy! and Lovely! and pretty! and sleepy! and smart! but did she poop?" Bahahahahahaha!!!
Ruby- reading away
Reid- Zzzzz
 He figured out how to put his fingers in his ears and thought it was hilarious.
 We love Trader Joe's!
 We had fun running some errands on Saturday. The kids each bought something at the Dollar Tree with their money.
 Ruby's handwriting is getting really good. 
 She decided she wanted to pack everything of hers to get ready to switch rooms with Miles (about a year early).
 Here's her checklist with what was in each bag. The "purple and sparkle" one literally had all of the purple or sparkly things she owns. Hahaha I love seeing what she comes up with every day.
 Trying to get some chores done. It's impossible with this busy guy.
 We seriously thought that guy was Randall for the longest time!! But it turned out to be some French guy.
 She got this bug collecting kit at the Dollar Tree. She went out several times and couldn't find any bugs, and we finally found a slug on some flowers she brought in. She examined it then let it go.
 He does this expression all the time and it's so cute.
 She pulled out all of my alphabetized cookbooks so she could re-alphabetize them. She's so much like me.
Reading question cards... I love it when they play nicely!
 They were playing Halloween and Ruby was dressed up as a mom. <3
 Driving their plow tractors to Grandma and Grandpa's house. They were "just past the border."
 He's getting resourceful. He somehow scooted his high chair over to the drawer with the lids.
 Reading together. <3

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed these immensely as usual. Especially ruby’s Note, Reid fishing, and Miles’ face. That’s a classic Pullen face.


Family photos

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