Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarantine week 6: Outdoor adventures

For the week of 4/21-4/28

We got outside a lot this week, thanks to the warmer weather! Spring is finicky though, so you never know when the rain will return for days on end.
 Last week Ruby made a round column which held I believe 7 books. So this week her job was to figure out how to make it hold more books. She used the round shape, made 5 columns, and made them shorter. They ended up holding 38 books, and some of them my big thick ones!!!
 Reading a book about how things work. Also, I cut Reid's hair, and it turned out pretty good!
 He likes boxes.
 My tulips opened up so beautifully!!
 He's so resourceful. There's no rest for us with this guy around.
 Ruby has been working on a typing program! She's getting pretty good!
 One-on-one with Mrs. Doughty.
 She's so cute.
 PE was a nature scavenger hunt! So we found this trail and checked a bunch of things off the list, like moss, fallen leaves, animal tracks, etc. There were a few we didn't find, but Grandma helped us with some of them over FaceTime. :)
 She took her time and was so interested in looking at different things. We did have to cut it short when Reid had to use the bathroom, so we high-tailed it home.
 For art Ruby had to draw a 3-D image, which turned out great!
 She was still so tired this week from being sick last week that she even took a nap one day.
Meanwhile, the boys built a train through holes in this box. 
 My MOPs group put on a music class for the toddlers, but all of the kids loved it! :)
 Reading to her brothers. This is my favorite.
 The aftermath of Reid getting a banana.
 I started making a quilt for Ruby! Reid is super interested in how the sewing machine works.
 Meanwhile, Miles grabbed the flour out of the cupboard and dumped it. Gah!
 Super Heroes!
 We grabbed our baseball stuff and headed over to a little field by the cemetery! It's a great place to play.
 Miles got to hit too. Hah!
 I surprised the kids and got their first sugar cereal ever... Lucky Charms! They were so excited.
 They all dug out their favorite ones.
 Church time! Andy works hard in the back room while we watch it on the TV. Then the kids get to watch their programs.
 I found my old breast pump and tried to give it away, but since everyone gets them free through insurance now, no one wanted it.
 So I let the boys play with it. It was pretty hilarious! Reid kept saying, "Come on Miles, let's produce some milk." Haha!
 Sunday afternoon it was lovely out, so we grabbed the kids' bikes and went to a nearby church and rode around the parking lot!
 It was so fun!
 Cutie pie. 
 She's so fast.
 Then we hiked down a trail to the creek nearby.
 Another cutie! We climbed around on the rocks, and Reid stepped on some wet moss, and down he went. Thankfully not in the water or down the waterfall.
 It's so fun to climb around and explore!
 Someone had given us a gift cart to Grubhub, so we got some Chinese food delivered! It was so delicious.
 He was super proud of his face he drew.
 Reid found a worm!
 Haha! I should cut his hair more. I trimmed up the sides, but when I cut the top shorter it just sticks up.
 Fresh out of the bath, and jammies fresh out of the dryer. He just wanted to snuggle the warm jammies. Haha!
Ruby and I wrapped Miles's birthday presents after the boys went to bed! She's such a good helper. She was learning how to curl ribbon.

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