Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Quarantine week 7: Miles turned 3, and we got a hamster!

For the week of 4/28-5/4

I can't believe our littlest is 3!! That's how old Reid almost was when Miles was born. He is just the funniest kid around, seriously. He keeps us laughing all day long with his antics. And he gets into the funniest situations. He is suuuuuuper busy, and so fun to watch play pretend. We love you, Miles!
 Ruby and Reid went out into the garage one afternoon and were there for a while. I suddenly started hearing a thumping on the door, so when I looked in there I found this obstacle course they had made, and they were shooting nerf bullets at the door. Hah! (Ignore the messy garage please, we were going to go through it all this week when Miles was supposed to go to my parents' house and the big kids were at school this week... we're so behind with it because KIDS.)
 Early one morning Ruby asked if she could do her 30 minutes of reading outside in the sunshine. <3
 Now it's Reid's turn to build a tower for school!
 Handels Ice Cream was having a $2 bowl day, so we went out on Tuesday afternoon for a treat!
 Ruby's quilt top mostly finished, it just needs a border!
 Horsey Daddy. I remember doing this with my dad when we were little. <3
 Just the sweetest.
 My book club met in a parking lot! It was so nice to get out with my friends.
Reid made a wallet for himself. That's a key he drew with a key hole. Hah!
 And he likes to put all of my old, used gift cards and old insurance cards and things in it.
 Mud pie day!
 Miles had been coming in our bed every morning, which was the sweetest thing. But we really needed him to sleep in his own bed and make it through the night. So when he turned 3, we outlawed coming in our bed. It was rough for a night or two, but he's doing much better with it now.
 Ruby gave him a pre-birthday gift, some of their toys. Hah!
 Ru was on a Zoom call with her class and Andy wanted to make her laugh!
 Ruby wanted to build a good fort, so she looked up "how to build a good fort" on Google. Haha
 She cut the peppers then made a log cabin.
 We decided to paper mâché a volcano!
Then we painted it... 
 ...and made it erupt! It was pretty fun.
 Good morning birthday boy!! He was talking about his birthday all week, making Duplo birthday cakes, singing to himself... he was pretty excited. We got him a little house with keys to the doors and doorbells.
 Meanwhile, Reid had his first Tele-speech therapy appointment. It went ok, but he has so many zoom meetings and everything already that we're putting more off until summer.
 He built this way cool helicopter!
 At the all-school assembly over Zoom they did a May birthday slide show! Reid was so happy to see himself!!
 Fresh strawberry ice cream time!
 Grandma and Grandpa are amazing. They did a little virtual birthday celebration and Grandma twisted balloon animals for the kids. They're the best.
 Miles insisted on these shark cupcakes. He loved them.
 Happy Birthday little buddy!! I can't believe you're three.
 He got a Duplo excavator and dump truck!
 And a fun new board game!
 Saturday morning we brought the hamster cage out of the garage (that we had set up Friday night)! Then we drove to the breeder and brought home our new little guy. He is a Syrian hamster who is 6 months old. He was going to be sent to a breeder across the country, but they couldn't ship him right now because of COVID. So we got him instead!
 The kids all just love him! So do we really. He's very sweet.
 Our neighbor is a children's entertainer, and she made these balloon sculptures for Miles!
 He came out to get a snack and stuffed his cheeks with cucumber. It was the cutest! Miles was just giggling and giggling.
 The quilt top is all done! She loves it. Now to get the last few supplies and finish the quilting and binding.
 They love to play with water, and usually soak themselves and/or each other.
 I saw this exercise idea, putting training wheels on shoes. Works pretty well!!
 Now Ruby had to make a book tower.
 Perfect time to read. Potty training is going ok, he still has accidents and really doesn't want to go #2 on the potty. But he's trying. Right now I'm working on getting him to recognize when he has to go and telling me. For now we're just taking him frequently.
 Uh-oh! Daddy is sick (not really). Thank goodness we have three doctors in the house to help him.
He gets braver to come out when the kids are asleep. Hah! Sometimes he just sleeps in his home all day long. He was just on his haunches staring at us for a while.

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