Friday, August 29, 2014

16 weeks: Big girl bed and Ruby turns 31 months

 Andy and Ruby having so much fun talking in the fan. :)

It's been a good week. Reid has been discovering his hands more and more. He's been sucking on his fingers and chewing on things too. He likes to bat at the toys on his play mat and grabs them, and he's been grabbing and pulling on my hair. That must be why so many moms cut their hair short. :)

We got Ruby's toddler bed out this week! She has slept in it a few times, but if she doesn't stay in it, she has to go back in her crib. We only have one mattress, so we have to switch it back and forth. I ordered a new one that should come next week, so that will be nice. She's so cute in her new bed and likes sleeping with all of her "guys" (stuffed animals and dolls).
 The weather was so nice the other day in the evening that we took a family walk to the park.
 Ruby swinging with Daddy.
 Reid swinging with Mommy.
 She climbed this thing all by herself. She's getting so big!
 Ruby likes to take care of Reid.
 Cute boy in a pink blanket.
 Playing play dough on Saturday.
 We went to the Aumsville corn festival and parade with our friends on Saturday. It was pretty hilarious. My favorite thing in the parade was a float with older ladies all dressed in different decades and one was doing the Charleston very unenthusiastically to no music. So funny.
 Hanging out at the festival.
 Ruby and Aiden on a treasure hunt in the straw.
 Best buddies hanging out at the parade.
 Wiping off Mommy's face.
 Cutie pie in the bath.
 She likes to get out her bible when I read mine sometimes.
 Hanging out in Daddy's office.

 We had a water day after church on Sunday and Ruby had lots of fun playing in the water with her friends.
 Cuddling with Daddy.
 First night in her big girl bed! She loves it.
We headed to Lake Oswego on Monday to go to the swim park with Grandma and Grandpa. She was making funny faces in the car.
 We had so much fun! It's such a fun park that you can only go to if you live in the Lake Grove school district. Grandma and Grandpa like to take their grand kids. So great!
 Reid and Coraline.
 Swimming in the lake.
 She loves running around in her towel.
 Swimming in the kiddie pool with Aunt Becca.
 We've been going on lots of walks enjoying the weather, and we stopped by the library to play.
 Ruby turned 31 months this week!
 She wanted to wear Daddy's underwear, so I cinched up the waist.
"Taking a nap" on the floor.
My cute boy's soft, chubby thighs. I love them!

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