Friday, January 4, 2019

Christmas lights

 For the week of 12/4-12/10
We put up Christmas lights outside and we went driving around to look at them this week. For some reason we started saying "Bob's your uncle" every time we see them outside. It's so silly but the kids love it. Haha!
 Ruby read our Advent verse from her bible a lot of the mornings. 
 Snuggly boys.
 They are so interested in how the washer works.
While Miles napped, Reid and I made him a tooth fairy pillow out of his old favorite jammies...
 ...because his bottom teeth are loose! I bet he'll lose them before he's 5, which is crazy.
 Hanging up the lights on the tree! They turned out really pretty.
 I tried making slime for the kids, and it turned out super sticky. They played with it for a while, but it wasn't the best. We'll just stick to play dough and gluey kabluey.
 Andy and Miles drew a monster.
 Ruby's monster (I wish I got a better pic). She loves to draw.
 Miles likes using any spoon or fork to eat. This is my 1/4 tsp measuring spoon. Haha
 I took the boys to Home Depot and they loved the car cart. Every time I stopped Miles would yell "Go! Go!"
Standing on some bowls... He's sooooo funny!
 Reid made this package delivery truck. You slide the packages down the slide. Pretty clever.
Ruby drew this cute pictures of some of her friends. I love how shoe draws noses lately.
 We made train outlines.
 So fun.
 Miles has just started playing trains and not always destroying them! Yay!!!!! I've been waiting for this day to come. :)
 Miles was making us all laugh sucking on his toe... of course the big kids had to try it too. Hahaha!
 We got all bundled up and made some hot chocolate to go look at Christmas lights.
 Happy kids.
 There is one fancy house down the road that goes all out decorating their big circular driveway every year. People park and walk through it. The only problem... we forgot all of their shoes. Thank goodness for a double stroller and an Ergo. They still had fun.
 Snuggling with Dad.
 They even had fake snow!
 I got to sit on Santa's lap.
 Winter Wonderland. It sure was cold, so we took them home and straight to bed.
 Reid made these cute puppets at preschool and came home and told us the Christmas story with them. It was adorable.
 Miles likes to take EVERYTHING out and do this. Haha. Thankfully he also likes to clean up. Today he did the same thing, and then stacked them all back in the drawer. :)
He has been doing this occasionally... he sticks his legs through the slats of his bed on purpose and then yells "stuck! stuck!" so I'll come in there. Tricky...
We've been struggling with his naps lately. He's 20 months, so he's probably ready for one nap, but the problem is that he gets up soooo early in the morning (5am this morning!) that he's really tired by 8:30. So we still do 2 naps most days unless I can get him to sleep in a little bit. 

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