Sunday, January 27, 2019

I don't have a title for this week because it was a very regular week. So I guess "Regular Week."

For the week of 1/15-1/21
We had a very regular week, I guess except that the kids didn't have school on Monday for MLK day. We talked about MLK in the morning and the great things he did for People of Color. It's so important to have those conversations with the kids.
Miles was finally all better from his cough, thankfully! So we were able to go to our home community and church this week. Yay!
 Playing "baby" with Miles. He loves it.
 More trains!!
 Ruby is all signed up for her first season of t-ball this spring! I got her a glove and cleats at the thrift store. :) She is very excited.
 Miles and I have been taking Reid to preschool since Miles takes only an afternoon nap now. We usually have to wait in the hallway before they open the door, and Reid is really cute. :)
 Night night kisses. <3
 Reid loves to build fun Lego things. This one was a dock on a lake, I think.
 King Miles!
 Reid was playing "camping" and for some reason put one blanket in every box. Hahaha
 I had a Dr. appointment on Friday and I had to take Miles with me. Thankfully he did great! He charmed everyone in the waiting room (and even asked a lady to read him a story!). Then he played cars while I talked to the doctor. :)
 He put all of these trains on the track.
 Reid made me this picture! He is so funny.
 At Home Community, Ruby got to hold this little 7 week old baby Zoey. She was so excited. We got home that night, and the kids were SOOOOO over tired. It was kind of awful, the big kids were both just crying. :( We're going to see if we can switch it to Sunday afternoons instead of Friday nights. That would work way better, since the kids are so tired already from school all week.
 Ruby wanted three pony tails.
 On Saturday morning we cleaned the house and got projects done, then Andy's parents came over to watch the kids while we got a date night! We hunted down some yummy margaritas and chips/salsa and had a great time.
 On Sunday we went to church, then Frances and Becca came over for dinner. Frances and Miles are SO cute together. They were giving each other kisses and then fell over. Haha
 On Monday the kids didn't have school so we had an activity day! We started with building this gingerbread train that the neighbors got on super sale and gave us.
 It was way fun. I let them each eat one wheel, but that was it. It was seriously chemical laden.
 Then we built this puppet show in the hallway. Ruby put on a very cute show.
 I had to strap the boys down because they were going crazy and knocking it down. Haha We also took a "hot tub" bath in the morning. We got our swimsuits on and got in the bath (well, me, Ruby, and Miles). Reid didn't want to get in, so he had his own bath that night. It was fun.
Miles has really been loving his little bunny we got him for Christmas. He calls it "Munny" and asks for it every time he goes to sleep. He loves to snuggle with it in his crib. He was sleeping terrible since he got sick before Christmas, waking up tons at night. I need to start weaning him so we can go on a little vacation in April, so we cut out night nursing this week. Andy went in with him when he cried, and he started sleeping much, much better! All the way through the night most nights.

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