Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Snow! Well, a little. And the last week of school.

For the week of 3/10-3/16

We got snow! It was a little strange. Not much, although we enjoyed it. And the kids had their last week of school. The initially just had started spring break a week early, but I had an inkling that in person school was done for the year. When the kids got home on the bus on Friday I told Reid that he probably just had his last day of Kindergarten. :(
 Ruby wanted us to have a fancy dinner to celebrate Andy's 1/2 birthday, so the kids got apple juice in goblets.
 And we surprised him with strawberry shortcake. YUM!!
Ruby and I painted each other's nails. She actually did a really great job!
The sweetest. <3
 Miles and I had one last fun play day at the park. It was super fun, and he made a new friend named Max.
 He likes to brush his teeth.
 Helping Mom weed the front garden bed. Our tulips were coming up!
 Ruby on her last day of school doing dominos.
 Reid on his last day of school doing something-or-other.
 The kids made a whole bunch of planters (things filled with dirt and grass) all over the play house.
 We all played Go Fish! It was actually possible with Miles, we just gave him some cards and he played with them! Yay!
 And we woke up to snow on Saturday morning!
 So we all bundled up and went down the street to play in it.
 Then we all got cold and went inside for some hot chocolate.
 She's so pretty.
 Ru and I went out for a snowy walk.
 And we caught some of the huge flakes with our tongues. It was gorgeous!
 Reid had a good idea to get wash cloths wet and put them in between all of the pages on his Water Wow painting thing. Hah!
 I got the kids a few fun new toys for the quarantine. We got a Frozen microphone thing, a Bop-It, and an drawing/alphabet toy.
 All dressed up, lining up his horses. He's really started playing pretend a lot!
 Our first virtual church service on Sunday morning. Andy has been working so many long hours getting everything online for our three churches. He is amazing. We miss having him sit with us during church though! He's super busy Sunday mornings form 7:30-12:45 now, running 7 services.
 The drawing toy. It's super fun!
We went on a fun walk across the street. We try to go out as often as we can.
Art time!
 This always happens...
 He wanted to make a toilet paper tube rocket with a parachute, so we did!
 We got two cups of caterpillars in the mail! It was super fun.
Snow, then a few days later, warm and sunny. Such funny spring weather here in Oregon. <3

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